What makes hickeys

In addition to the warm compress method, you can apply the following gels or creams to your hickey to help speed the healing process:. Some sources suggest aloe vera, which can calm skin inflammation as in the case of sunburns — but Dr. If you have a big event coming up, you can ask your doctor about laser removal for a hickey in the 24 to 48 hours after it first appears.

With no real way to remove a hickey, your best bet is to keep it covered, whether by clothing or with light makeup. Time to stock up on scarves! A dermatologist weighs in on how can you get rid of a hickey ASAP. Go figure. Sure, you might get some stares if you wear a different scarf around the office every day for a week in May, as I have unfortunately learned, but so what?

If hickeys are your thing, go forth and suction away! Giving a hickey: 1. If your partner is into the idea but also wants some hiding ability, aim below their neck—a hickey around their collarbone or on their chest is one thousand times easier to cover up. Too much pressure could injure the blood vessel wall and lead to a smaller clot that could clog an artery and cause a stroke. One recent case was a year-old boy having a stroke from a hickey, but it is considered an extremely rare occurrence.

Getting rid of or hiding a hickey: 1. For more tips, there are plenty of YouTube tutorials. Experts are wary about weighing in on the effectiveness. If, in a fit of passion, an overzealous someone did a number on your neck, and now you've got a bruise, well, you're in the right place.

The good news is, you might be able to contain the damage. We asked a doctor to explain how to get rid of a hickey, because someone needed to be the adult in the room. I spoke with Dr. If you want to try and nudge things along, Dr.

A literature review, published in the Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology , examined bruises after cosmetic surgery. Researchers found a few small studies that suggest vitamin K creams can reduce bruises, but Dr. In short: Vitamin K creams might be worth a shot, but don't expect your hickey to vanish immediately after using them. If you do want to give them a try, you can diligently apply one following on the directions on the packaging and see how it goes.

It might not shorten your recovery time, but vitamin K is generally not something that many people react badly to, Dr. Brodell says, so it could be fine to try. You can still have a reaction to other ingredients in the product that may not be obvious on the label, especially if you have sensitive skin, so consider patch testing before really going for it.

In need of a few good recommendations? Check out our favorite concealers and foundations. Will this get rid of your hickey?

Absolutely not, but it gives you an opportunity to hide your, uh, injury instead of waiting for someone to call you out on it. Okay, yes, much like the above tip, this is also not a real way to actually get rid of a hickey. But it definitely is a way to look chic as hell while you camouflage your hickey instead. If you have money to burn, you can actually undergo laser treatments to make your hickey heal faster.


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