Collapse All Expand All. In this Flickr API example, we want to get all the photos from a specific Flickr gallery called Color in Nature and display them on a web page. Hopefully, this activity will demonstrate the shortcomings of just having reference documentation. When one endpoint requires another endpoint response as an input, you might have to communicate these workflows through tutorials.
Instead, we use the flickr. Please carefully review the documentation to choose the flow that is most appropriate for your integration. To help prevent this, we limit the access to the API per key. If your application stays under queries per hour across the whole key which means the aggregate of all the users of your integration , you'll be fine.
If we detect abuse on your key, we will need to expire the key, or turn it off, in order to preserve the Flickr API functionality for others including us! We also track usage on other factors as well to ensure no API user abuses the system.
Data Security : Don't store all user data, such as auth tokens, in a central place. Doing so creates a tempting place for hackers to target in order to access many accounts at once. Optimizing API queries : Search and localized calls take more CPU cycles than simple data lookups and so they may take more time to execute. Also, keep an eye out for the "extras" parameters availability in the API queries which may help reduce how many calls you need to make. Check out our Code blog for some tips, such as this post on the Standard Photo Response.
Privacy : Every user has a default privacy setting for photos uploaded to their account. Please honor this default by either uploading with this setting or presenting it as the pre-selected option in a list of other privacy options. For example: www. See the example below:. You will need these when you create your Flickrcontent page. Creating Flickr content pages. The benefits to you? If you just write a scraper, and it does something they don't like like hitting them too often, they'll block you unceremoniously for breaking their ToS.
If you only want to hit the thing a couple of times, you can get away without the Key. If you are writing a service that will hit their feed thousands of times, you want to give them the courtesy of following their rules.
The Flickr API is very nice and easy to use and will be much easier than scraping the feed yourself. Getting a key takes about 2 minutes - you fill in a form on the website and then email it to you. Well, they say you need a key - you need a key, then :- Exposing an API means you can pull data off the site way easier, it is understandable they want this under control. It is pretty much the same as with other API enabled sites. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group.
Create a free Team What is Teams? Collectives on Stack Overflow. Learn more. Why do I need a flickr api key? Ask Question. Asked 13 years, 1 month ago. Active 12 years, 5 months ago.