Your Bucket. Vermilion Bay Accommodations. Vermilion Bay Attractions. Shopping in Vermilion Bay. Book Your Canadian Adventure! When are you planning on visiting Sunset Country? You can add the first.
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Toggle navigation Maplandia. Register Login. World places: Search. World regions: Search. Search for hotels in. Check-in date. Go right east on Highway 17 to reach Vermilion Bay.
If you are coming from Winnipeg, Vermilion Bay is just over 3 hours away. Sunset Country is less than a day's drive from many US Midwest cities. All main highways and roads in Sunset Country are paved. Bearskin Airlines is a regional airline that flies to many communities in Sunset Country. If you fly into an airport, you can rent a car or van or use a shuttle service to get to Upsala. Your tourist outfitter should be able to give you suggestions on the easiest way to Vermilion Bay from your home city.
Vermiliona Bay does not have scheduled air service. Charter and personal flights can land at the Vermilion Bay airstrip. Speed limits are posted in kilometers. Please follow the posted speed limits and watch for wildlife. You can purchase maps of the area at www. You can also phone Canada Map Sales to find out which maps are available for the lakes you will be visiting.