The marriage dialog option can be forced to appear on characters by opening the console, targeting the desired character, and typing the command " addfac 1. A friendship must have been started with the character in the form of a quest, as their disposition which is a hidden stat needs to be of a certain level in order for them to recognize the Amulet of Mara.
Alternatively the command " setrelationshiprank player 4 " can be used after adding the person to the marriage faction.
It is not possible to marry several of the people in the game, such as Ulfric Stormcloak. Trying to breakup with partners is impossible without the console commands. Searching for help "breakup" 4 will bring up dialogue and quests that show reference to what most likely was the original intention of breaking up with a spouse.
The relationshipbreakup quest can be used. PC Use the console to enter these commands:. This is just formality to reset the "marriage" quest.
The above will prevent the Dragonborn from having to kill their spouse, although they will comment on how much even the thought of them makes their blood boil. Untested, but possibly setrelationshiprank player 4 can fix this.
This section contains bugs related to Marriage Skyrim. Before adding a bug to this list, consider the following:. Elder Scrolls Explore. Elder Scrolls Online. Events Characters Factions Locations Concepts. Explore Wikis Community Central. Register Don't have an account? Marriage Skyrim. View source. History Talk Do you like this video?
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Before adding a bug to this list, consider the following: Please reload an old save to confirm if the bug is still happening. Categories Skyrim: Marriage Skyrim: Gameplay. Universal Conquest Wiki. Aela the Huntress. Jorrvaskr , Whiterun. Completion of The Companions' story arc with " Glory of the Dead. Anga's Mill , The Pale. Temple of Dibella , Markarth. Completion of " The Heart of Dibella. Sarethi Farm , The Rift. Collect 20 Jazbay Grapes for her.
Borgakh the Steel Heart. Mor Khazgur , Haafingar. College of Winterhold , Winterhold. Completion of " Brelyna's Practice. Riverwood Trader , Riverwood. Completion of " The Golden Claw. Dravynea the Stoneweaver. Kynesgrove , Eastmarch.
Providing her with some Frost Salts. Talk about a crazy premise. Are you one of those odd adventurers that loves to spend time living in an inn, fulfilling the true purpose of a free life? Then look no further because Sorex Vinus is your answer. Living there allows you to access stocks of food and drinks available at the bar, so be sure to take full advantage of this if you happen to marry Vinius. Pavo Attius is a great early-game husband that lives in Markrath with an Orc the house can be fast-traveled to, so rejoice!
A place to lay your head is always nice. Ainethach tends to be overlooked as a husband, mainly because he has quite a depressing appearance. You can practically see your treasury rise in a matter of minutes if you sell everything you collect. The best thing about Ainethach is that he lives in quite a huge home located far from any major city in the game.
This makes him makes ideal for those who seek a quiet life after their travels. Filnjar is a blacksmith, and a damn good one. You can even add him as a companion by completing the Mine or Yours quest. I think this is one of the best reasons that makes Farkas a husband that all the women in Skyrim would only dream of having.
Your best bet would be to buy your own place first and then ask Farkas to move in with you, as the lack of storage space and sleeping space can prove quite troublesome in the long run — especially if you plan to keep Farkas as a partner for the entirety of the game. His level cap is at 50, so he'll last the player for ideally half of their game or more, depending on how long it takes them to complete all quests and DLCs in Skyrim. He's a great choice, even if he's just a simple housecarl and might lack a bit of personality.
Travel to Solstheim to meet Halbarn Iron-Fur, a spouse who won't disappoint. He's extremely strong and knowledgeable about all things blacksmithing. In fact, once all quests related to him are done, he becomes a pretty decent merchant to visit regularly. Halbarn can also be married, but this requires two entire quests to be completed.
The Thirsk must be retaken from the rieklings, after which he requires the Dragonborn to get him 10 stalhrim ingots and 15 ebony ingots. It's all worth it, however, since his level cap is extremely high at Calder is another housecarl in the game, and while housecarls can seem a little lifeless and boring, he has a pretty unique appearance compared to so many other housecarls and human NPCs in the game, which significantly sets him apart.
Calder's level is capped at 50 in true housecarl fashion, so he'll serve as a follower and spouse for just over the first half of the game. He's not the easiest housecarl to get, however, since achieving Thane status involves rubbing elbows with Ulfric if the Civil War questline hasn't been resolved , buying Hjerim one of the more expensive homes in Skyrim , and doing several minor quests around Windhelm.
Only the player can decide if he's worth all that effort. There aren't that many husbands in Skyrim that are Argonians, but even among the few Scouts-Many-Marshes takes the spot as the best one. He's very much a peace-loving character, and he can be found outside of Windhelm, right by the river.
He's a blacksmith by trade, but he can't be hired as a follower as he's only level 4 and has the blacksmith character type. However, what does make him valuable is the fact that he can offer training in the Light Armor skill, so players who specialize in this category might find him a particularly useful spouse to have. After speaking to him for the first time and helping him with a quest, he can be asked to marry the Dragonborn.
Looking for a spouse who's not afraid of a fight? Head over to Windhelm's Candlehearth Hall. In the upstairs area at the last table, the Dragonborn will be able to find an old and seasoned mercenary named Stenvar, who can be hired for coins. He has a decent level cap of 40, so he'll serve the Dragonborn well as a follower and spouse for the first 40 levels of the game. After that he's best left at home to tend to the shop. The cool part is that he can also become a member of the Blades if invited, and no special quest is needed to marry him.
Not many capable mages want to devote their life to a spouse, but Marcurio is the exception to this rule.
He can be found at the Bee and Barb inn over at Riften, and he'll often be sitting on the first-floor bench, to the left side of the bar counter. He's a mercenary with a hiring price of coins.
Marcurio's level cap is decent as well, and he'll level until 40 with the Dragonborn, making him a fairly strong follower in the first half of the game. He can join the Blades, and is well versed in the school of Destruction magic , making him a great damage dealer, but squishy when paired with another ranged fighter.
Vorstag is another mercenary found in Skyrim. His home is the Silver-Blood Inn over in Markarth , and he can be easily recognized by his Nordic armor and flashy war paint. Vorstag has a typical hiring rate of gold coins similar to all the other mercenaries in the game.
His level will also get capped at 40, which means that towards higher levels he's usually best left at home rather than traveled with. Vorstag can be married almost instantly without doing any quests, and like many of the mercenaries, he's also a candidate for joining the Blades. His warrior character type makes him a pretty decent follower for any ranged characters, as he specializes in heavy armor. Torvar is not the easiest one to deal with.
A member of the Companions , he's initially quite nice but becomes a tad jealous as the Dragonborn surpasses him in the ranks of the guild. That being said, he can be married once the Companions' quest Glory of the Dead has been completed. Torvar is a typical Nord warrior. He's skilled in one-handed, despite his love for two-handed weapons like hammers and axes.
Above all, Torvar is a lover of all things alcoholic and will often talk about drinking and getting drunk. But hey, for some Dragonborns, he just might be the one and only.