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Paytm IPO. Bank Holidays in November. This story is from September 11, The latest company to throw in the towel is German sportswear giant Adidas , which has stopped making bats and soft cricket equipment such as batting pads and gloves.
Day 3 Report More Cricket News. However, it couldn't be confirmed whether Nike would re-bid after refusing BCCI's scaled down bid offer from their Rs crore plus 30 crore royalty , which they paid from to While buying bid document doesn't mean one is bidding, Puma has shown genuine interest in submitting a bid," a senior BCCI official told PTI on conditions of anonymity. It is learnt that Adidas too has shown interest but whether it will be bidding for the sponsorship rights is still not known.
Even though some feel that the German giant could independently bid for merchandise products, which will be a separate tender. Selling of exclusive merchandise products depends on how many exclusive stores a company has along with the point of sales shops that sells your company's products.
While Puma has over exclusive stores, Adidas has more than outlets which makes these two companies the most sought after. A senior industry insider explained the whole sponsorship issue in these turbulent economic times. This could mean two things. Either they are not interested or may submit a bid which is even more scaled down than what BCCI offered," he said.