If you don't have paint, ask an adult to make you some pudding and paint with that instead. With help from an adult, you can trace different shapes on a separate piece of paper and then cut them out and paste them onto your card. You can also cut different pictures, shapes, and words out of a magazine and paste them onto your card.
Once you have decorated the outside of your card, let it dry if it needs to and then decorate the inside, too! You will need a few sheets of construction paper any color , some yarn, a hole punch, and any other supplies you may wish to use.
Decide how many pages you will want your book or album to be and use that amount of construction paper. Stack the paper in a pile and, using the hole punch, make two holes in one side of the stack of paper. One hole should be near the top and the other should be near the bottom. Then take two pieces of yarn and string one through each hole. Tie each piece in a knot or a bow and you now have a book or an album.
You can put whatever you want to in your memory book or photo album. If you are going to use family pictures, you should ask an adult if it is OK first. You can also cut pictures out of magazines and newspapers. You can decorate your book or album in any way that you choose.
For ideas, read the instructions on how to make a card. Cut squares of tissue paper at least 10 sheets and make them a little bigger than you'd like the flower to be. They can be different colors or all the same.
Stack the squares and make a crease down the center to create two rectangles. Take a pipe cleaner and wrap it tightly along this line so that the tissue paper gets cinched together. The tissue paper will look like two fans, or butterfly wings. Next, pull the tissue paper upward one sheet at a time until all the sheets are fanned out and you will have a beautiful flower. If you wish, you can spray the flower with perfume to give it a real flower scent!
Spread peanut butter on crackers and top each with a slice of banana. Place a raisin in the center of each banana to form a cat's eye and repeat for all banana-topped crackers. Cream the flour, butter, and cheese together in a large bowl. Add Rice Krispies and mix into a sticky dough. Using your hands, shape Puffers into small balls. Bake until golden, about 10 to 15 minutes. Let cool. Makes about 4 to 5 dozen. Protect your energy from the influence of negative people and things that take from your positive outlook.
Turn off the news. Set your intention to be a loving and caring person. Take a moment and think about those you care for and why you love them then be present. Be kind to those you do not know. Learn to cultivate empathy. Pause and try to understand their motives and reasons for their actions. Learn to forgive. This one is often difficult, but holding a grudge is like poison. Forgive not only others but yourself as well for past transgressions. And guess what? Take a few minutes to check in with family members, friends, colleagues, classmates, or clients every so often.
A caring person provides small acts of kindness without expecting anything in return every day. Show you love one another by saying thank you to the person who holds the door open for you or giving more hugs to your family and friends. Small actions like these are worth more than the grandest intention. Do something kind for someone you care about today. Keep scrolling for more pictures or….
Please make more videos on goal setting, productivity, personal growth. I just love love your content on this a lot as well. Your email address will not be published. You may not be able to help them all, but your words of encouragement can mean a lot to them. Another way to show care for others is by serving them.
Surely, they will be able to feel your care for them. Whenever you decide to give to others, make sure that you do it with clear intention. Give because you want to bless or help them, not because you want them to do some favor for you.
In connection with this, instead of lending someone money, just give them any extra money you have and assure them that they do not have to pay it back. This will not only be a relief for them, but this will save your good relationship from being ruined because of possible payment delays. Have you ever felt like people are hesitant to approach you for help or accept your offer?
Probably you have an intimidating aura because of your social status or profession. If this is the case, then try to be more friendly by initiating conversations, smiling at those you meet, and calling people by their name.
Be someone they can be comfortable to be with. If you have the extra money, it would not be burdensome to buy an extra meal for someone you know has nothing to eat. It could be a classmate, a neighbor, or a stranger who lives in the streets. Your simple act of kindness could be an answered prayer for someone who has faith that God always provides. You do not have to be a guidance counselor to encourage someone who is emotionally down.
Even if you do not offer any advice, your assurance that you care could be enough for that person to feel better. Another way to let others know you care is by praying for them. You can ask your family, friends, or colleagues about their prayer requests so you can include them in your personal prayer time.