John - Jesus' predicted that the Jews would destroy His body temple , but He would rebuild it in three days. Matthew - Jesus plainly told the disciples that He would be killed and would rise again the third day. Imagine a man making such a prediction.
If he were a fake, shortly after his death, everyone would know he was a fake. But Jesus made the prediction; and instead of losing His following, we will see that many people testified that they personally saw Him alive again after He had died. Matthew , - Jewish leaders determined to kill Jesus, because He had revealed their sins to the multitudes. Judas, one of Jesus' disciples, was also a thief. He agreed to betray Jesus to His enemies for thirty pieces of silver.
There He prayed that He might avoid the suffering of the cross, but even so He was willing to obey the Father's will. Matthew - Judas came bringing soldiers to capture Jesus and showed the soldiers which man to arrest by kissing Him. When Jesus refused to allow His disciples to defend Him, they all forsook Him and fled.
Later Peter denied Him three times, just as Jesus had earlier predicted he would. Most of us can only imagine how terrible this would be. But if you have ever had a friend turn his back on you, then you have a tiny taste of what Jesus experienced.
He had left the joys of Heaven, had come to earth, and had spent years teaching His disciples. Yet when it appeared that His enemies were about to defeat Him, one of His disciples betrayed Him for money, another denied Him three times, and all the others forsook Him. Yet He accepted all this so He could save them and us from sin.
We will not discuss many details, but consider some of the evidence that Jesus was innocent and not worthy of death. Matthew - In the Jewish trials , Jewish leaders sought grounds to kill Jesus, but could not find valid proof even with the help of many false witnesses. Finally they convicted Him of blasphemy because He claimed to be the Christ.
But it was easy to prove that He claimed to be the Christ. The question was: Was the claim true or false? The Jews never even considered that. They just ignored all the evidence that he was the Christ and convicted Him of making a blasphemous claim! Luke - Jesus was taken before the Roman governor Pilate , where the Jews accused Jesus of teaching people not to pay tribute to Caesar, despite the fact that they knew He had really taught just the opposite Matt. Pilate vv then told the people that neither he nor Herod found any fault in Jesus worthy of death.
Matthew - Pilate repeatedly stated that Jesus was innocent and tried to release Him, but the Jews refused. Pilate's wife sent him a message saying she knew Jesus was innocent.
But the Jews said they and their children would bear responsibility for His death, so Pilate called for Jesus to be crucified. So no one ever proved Jesus was guilty of any wrongdoing.
His betrayer, two of His judges Pilate and Herod , and even a wife of one of the judges all declared Him to be innocent.
Yet He was crucified as a criminal. Matthew - Jesus' disciples prepared the body for burial and placed it in the cave tomb of Joseph of Arimathea. Matthew - The Jews remembered that Jesus had promised to rise from the dead.
So with Pilate's permission, they sealed the stone over the entrance and placed guards outside to make sure the body did not leave the tomb. Everyone dies eventually. To many people, Jesus' death may not seem extraordinary. But His was the most important death ever to occur. In fact, it is essential to our salvation.
Hebrews - Jesus tasted death for every man. He did not die for His own sins - He didn't have any sins. Nor was His death simply a miscarriage of justice. Jesus died for our sins. He was a sacrifice. He was the sinless Son of God dying as a penalty for those of us who were guilty, so we could go free. Romans - It would be amazing to find someone willing to give his own life in the place of a righteous person, but Jesus died for us while we were sinners.
This is why it was essential that Jesus live a sinless life. If He had sinned, He would have to be punished for His own sins. But because He lived a sinless life and did not deserve to die, He was able to suffer for others who did deserve to die. Amazing as all this is, it is even more amazing to realize that He came to earth knowing all along that He would have to die for the sins of others. The Creator took the form of that which He had created, in order to suffer as a sacrifice to save His own creatures.
If Jesus had not died, none of us could be forgiven of sins. We would all have to die for our own sins Rom. We can be saved only because Jesus died for us. He would have defeated Jesus, and we would all still be in our sins. In order to defeat Satan and thereby justify us, Jesus had to arise from the dead.
Matthew - All four of the gospel accounts affirm that Jesus was raised. All four record accounts of eyewitnesses who saw Him alive after His death. Different writers record different appearances. No one writer gives a complete list of all the appearances. John - This example shows the factual, historical nature of Jesus' appearances.
Thomas had said he would not believe Jesus had been raised until he personally saw Him alive. His perfect, sinless life is given to us and our sinful one is given to Him on the cross. Then, like Jesus, we are resurrected and made new. The effects of our sinful natures linger and will ultimately kill us in this life; however, our souls are set free and now eternal. Our souls enter the joy of the Lord for all eternity where we will receive perfect, new bodies.
For anyone willing to deny the radical claims and life of Jesus, they store up wrath for the day of judgment. A day will come when every person will face a holy God and give an account for the sins they have committed.
This will include every lustful thought, every moment of hatred, and every blasphemous word. Even those things done in secret will be brought into the light. Without Christ, no man will be able to stand.
My friend, today you are faced with a binary decision. In denying Him, you remain under the wrath of God and judgment waits for you. Receive Him today! Trust Him! Believe upon Him! Forgiveness is available to all who seek it. Get newsletters and updates Close. Also, send me the Evangelical Newsletter and special offers. Also, send me the Evangelical Newsletter. Toggle navigation. Who was Jesus? Patheos has the views of the prevalent religions and spiritualities of the world. Tagged with: Jesus Easter Jesus Resurrection.
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Meet the World's Confessional Lutherans. What Is "Progressive Christianity? Roger E. My Book on Fascism Revisited. The Failure of the "Youth Group" The Chorus In The Chaos. Stop Sexualizing the Beautiful Friendship of Frodo and In this Book.
Liturgical Press. Additional Information. Table of Contents. Cover Download Save contents. Title page, Copyright, Dedication Download Save contents. Contents pp. Acknowledgments pp. Abbreviations p. All four Gospels describe Jesus's final week in Jerusalem. During this time, Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, confronted moneychangers and merchants in the temple, and debated with the high priests who questioned Jesus's authority.
He told his disciples about the coming days and that Jerusalem's temple would be destroyed. Meanwhile, the chief priests and elders met with high priest Caiaphas, and set plans in motion to arrest Jesus. One of the disciples, Judas, met with the chief priests and told them how he would deliver Jesus to them. They agreed to pay him 30 pieces of silver. Jesus and his 12 disciples met for the Passover meal, and he gave them his final words of faith. He also foretold of his betrayal by one of the disciples and privately let Judas know it was he.
Jesus told Peter that before a rooster crowed the next morning, he would have denied knowing Jesus three times. At the end of the meal, Jesus instituted the Eucharist, which in the Christian religion, signifies the covenant between God and humans.
Jesus asked God if this cup his suffering and death might pass by him. He implored a group of his disciples to pray with him, but they kept falling asleep. Then the time had come. Soldiers and officials appeared, and Judas was with them. He gave Jesus a kiss on the cheek to identify him and the soldiers arrested Jesus. One disciple tried to resist the arrest, brandished his sword and cut the ear off one of the soldiers.
But Jesus admonished him and healed the soldier's wound. After his arrest, many of the disciples went into hiding. Jesus was taken to the high priest and interrogated.
He was hit and spat upon for not responding. Meanwhile, Peter had followed Jesus to the high priests' court. As he hid in the shadows, three house servants asked if he was one of Jesus' disciples and each time he denied it. After each denial, a rooster crowed. Then Jesus was led out of the house and looked directly at Peter. Peter remembered how Jesus had told him he would deny him and he wept bitterly.
Judas, who was watching from a distance, became distraught by his betrayal of Jesus and attempted to return the 30 pieces of silver. The priests told him his guilt was his own. He threw the coins into the temple and later hanged himself.