You can see her clear bluish-white eyes reflected faintly in the scan visor, complete with non-glowing Tron Lines running down her face. Metroid Fusion also has the SA-X's completely white eyes. You only get a very quick close-up to see this when the player first sees the SA-X. Due to Alphes' drawing style, most of the girls in Immaterial and Missing Power had these.
It seems to have been averted for Scarlet Weather Rhapsody , though. Pankapu : Pankapu has solid light blue eyes. Chairman Drek on the other hand has all blue eyes- a very luminous blue at that.
Aliens in The Sims 2 have shiny black eyes. One of the entities pursuing you in Smile has solid white eyes. Bison and Dhalsim from Street Fighter are like this in most incarnations although unlike the others, Dhalsim isn't a villain. Gen, Rolento, and Hakan also have solid white eyes.
Other characters with solid colored eyes are Necro yellow and Oro red. However, Twelve averts this trope. He appears to have solid black eyes, but they're suppose to be empty eye sockets World of Warcraft : Draenei, a very holy race, have blue glowing eyes. Night elves normally have silver or bluish glowing eyes to go with their innate supernatural awareness. Night elves with druidic potential have glowing eyes have "amber" eyes When the Blood Elves split off from the High Elves, their light blue glowing eyes turned green to reflect their addiction to demonic or arcane magic.
Worgen have monochromatic glowing eyes in a variety of colors. Or the boys do, at any rate. Death Knight characters get glowing monochromatic eyes to match the nasty variety of raw magic that infuses them.
Web Animation. Coach Z from Homestar Runner has eyes that are pretty much just circles on his face in fact, in a trailer for Strong Bad's Cool Game For Attractive People, his eyes are invisible on some displays. However, this is nothing new in the Homestar Runner world, seeing as how the title character doesn't even have arms. Bitey from the Brackenwood series is another example.
Web Comics. In Charby the Vampirate , the quickest way to tell the difference between normal vampires and the elite vampires is that the elite vampires have monochromatic eyes while regular vampires have normal eyes. In the case of the Demonic Duck though, whether the natural state of his eyes is intended to be completely yellow or completely black is not clear. In Erfworld , these are extremely common among the residents of the titular setting.
Parson, an Earthling who was magically pulled into Erfworld , stands out for having pupils and sclerae; when he starts Going Native , his character design loses the pupils. Some locals, like Caesar and Maggie, have the inexplicable ability to roll their eyes anyway. The masked-with-white-eyes look is popular with both heroes and villains in Everyday Heroes. Standard for the characters of General Protection Fault.
Dimo from Girl Genius has entirely yellow-green eyes. Which apparently glow in the dark. A few characters from Gunnerkrigg Court. The Regional Fairies start off with Milky White Eyes ; upon becoming human , they get grey eyes with pupils that are only visible in extreme close-ups. Ysengrin has beady green eyes, and Reynardine, when assuming wolf-form, has beady yellow eyes. The Trolls of Homestuck all have eyes with yellow-orange scleras and normal pupils , except for Sollux, who has one completely red eye and one completely blue eye to match his 3D glasses.
Terezi's eyes are completely red, again matching her shades. They were originally normal Troll eyes, but turned completely red when she was blinded. When a character dies, they get Blank White Eyes. Aradia Megido had these originally. She got better. Richard in Looking for Group has all-yellow eyes. Magic in Magical Misfits causes magic users to have Monochromatic Eyes. In the webcomic Polandball , all characters have pure white eyes.
In fact, on the subreddit, it is against the rules to draw irises of any kind. Jareth dark blue , "Odile" unknown, but light. Also occasionally the Shadow! Similarly, the heroine of Spinnerette , in homage to the comic book character she's based on. Both the Varn and their Galapados soldiers in Terinu have solid golden eyes. All the gods in Vanadys: Tales of a Fallen Goddess have eyes that are one solid color which color it is depends on the god in question. The titular Fallen Goddess generally wears Cool Shades to hide her solid blue eyes.
Web Original. Dad combines this with heterochromia. The character of Lazlo appears to be a normal woman, until her eyes open, revealing one to be pure pink and the other pure blue, both lacking irises. Some of the mutants in the Whateley Universe. Jericho has all-white eyes and is blind. Ash has all-black eyes. Western Animation. Ben 10 : Anodites in their true forms have this, as do all of the Plumbers Helpers except Cooper and Pierce.
In ChalkZone , Snap's eyes are circular, blank, and white. Final Space : A lot of celestial entities display this overlapping with Glowing Eyes of Doom : Invictus in both its astral form and released form plus all its hosts who have Mind-Control Eyes , the serpent god Werthrent on Ash's homeworld, most of the Titans including Oreskis, and Phil. Antogone from Frisky Dingo , who is possessed by ants. Russel of the Gorillaz always has circular blank white eyes, and 2D's are entirely black.
From Invader Zim , the Irken race, along with some other alien species. Dick Knubbler invoked this in Metalocalypse , when he got robotic eyes to replace the ones he lost in a submarine accident, which are completely green unless he gets mad. Pre-reformation, they had blue eyes. Post-reformation, the eye color seems to depend on the changeling, with Thorax and Pharynx having purple eyes, and Ocellus having light blue.
Oh No! In the reboot of She-Ra and the Princesses of Power , Hordak has crimson eyes with no visible irises or pupils. Imp also has light yellow eyes with no visible irises or pupils. Shadow Weaver's eyes are usually shown as white slits, but that's a result of her mask; when it's removed, she has Hellish Pupils instead. From Skywhales the aliens' eyes turn black when they're about to turn into skywhales. Teen Titans : Gizmo appears to have blank white eyes all the time. His pupils only appear in an animation goof in the episode "Car Trouble".
Aqualad from the same series has monochromatic black eyes. Red Star's eyes are constantly a blank green as a result of the experiment that gave him his powers. While Hot Spot is powered up, his eyes are completely white.
Transformers : Autobots and Decepticons have solid blue and red eyes respectively. Justified by being, ya know, robots. Internuclear ophthalmoplegia INO is an ocular movement disorder that presents as inability to perform conjugate lateral gaze and ophthalmoplegia due to damage to the interneuron between two nuclei of cranial nerves CN VI and CN III internuclear.
This interneuron is called the medial longitudinal fasciculus MLF. The MLF can be damaged by any lesion e. The MLF is supplied by branches of the basilar artery and ischemia in the vertebrobasilar system can produce an ischemic INO. Thus, demyelinating lesions in the midbrain or pons often produce a unilateral or bilateral INO in young patients. The INO is characterized clinically by an ipsilesional adduction deficit partial or complete with a contralateral, dissociated, horizontal abducting saccade on attempted gaze to the contralesional side.
Increased innervation to the underacting adducting muscle would result in an enhanced stimulus to the contralateral abducting muscle [2]. The INO can be unilateral or bilateral and may present with or without neurologically isolated other brainstem findings.
The most common etiology is infarction of the midbrain in older patients and demyelinating disease in young patients. This syndrome is characterized by having one-and-a-half syndrome and a facial fascicular nerve CN VII palsy. There is conjugate horizontal gaze palsy on looking to one side followed by INO on looking to the opposite side, along with unilateral facial weakness.
The lesion is most often vascular or demyelinating in the dorsal tegmentum of the caudal pons [6]. A syndrome that consists of an INO in one eye combined with an ipsilateral CN VI fascicular involvement with sparing of the sixth nerve nucleus.
Posterior INO: Lutz. This syndrome is a rare ophthalmoplegia, either bilateral or unilateral that exhibits contralateral adducting eye rather than abducting eye nystagmus with abduction restriction on physical exam. It is the reverse of the typical INO, and although the lesion localization is not consistent, it likely is due to CN VI pre-nuclear input asymmetry [7]. In older people, stroke is a more common etiology. Less common causes for an INO include traumatic, neoplastic, inflammatory e.
Typically, the paramedian pontine reticular formation PPRF receives information from the higher cortical centers such as the frontal eye fields, occipital and parietal lobes and the superior colliculus.
The activation of the contralateral medial rectus and ipsilateral lateral rectus muscle produces horizontal conjugate eye movement. When one thinks of Ino from her days back at the academy, it can be easy to simply remember her petty rivalry with Sakura and how infatuated she was over Sasuke. However, those actually aren't her only defining traits from back then- she was also noted to be exceptionally smart, tying with Shino and Sasuke in terms of academy intelligence.
Both her father and her sensei admit that she was shown to have the potential to surpass everyone in her family and become the strongest member of the Yamanaka Clan. She also showed a talent for chakra control as young as when she was still a genin. It's no exaggeration to say that the Mind Body Switch technique is Ino's signature move, especially when she's able to make use of it in a three-man-squad. The biggest drawback is that her body is left completely vulnerable, so it's a lifesaver having teammates that can help cover her.
Although Ino is really only seen using this technique on other ninja less than a handful of times, the jutsu's true purpose is a much safer method. The Mind Body Switch technique was actually originally developed to be used on animals so that one can infiltrate and gain enemy information more easily.
It makes sense that viewers wouldn't get to see Ino use it much for this purpose, as she isn't really the stealthy-infiltration type. It can be difficult to gauge exactly how a character's abilities line up simply by watching them on screen, which is what makes the official Naruto databooks so useful. Ino- and the other characters that viewers have followed since they were genin- have several different lists of statistics from different points of time throughout the series.
However, this will be based on her final stats, as they're the closest to her end-of-series power. Her highest stat is ninjutsu , coming in at a three-and-a-half out of five. Her genjutsu and intelligence both sit at a three, while her strength, speed, stamina, and hand signs are all an average two-and-a-half. Finally, her taijutsu is her worst trait at only a one-and-a-half. Due to Ino excelling at so much- using flowers in her own offensive jutsu, chakra control, general intelligence- it can be easy to forget some of her lesser-focused on abilities.
One such skill is the ability to read other people's minds without the need to use any form of external equipment. Called the Psycho Mind Transmission technique, it's done by placing one's palm on another's head to extract memories, even those that have been blocked or forgotten by the target itself. With this, she's able to interrogate people for hidden information or even to deduce if they're under control by someone else.