Was this reply helpful? Yes No. Sorry this didn't help. Thanks for your feedback. If so; try to connect using ONLY the Gateway first, use an ethernet cable as well to narrow down anything else that can cause issues, restart the computer and the Gateway, waiting about 30 to 60 seconds before reconnecting the power cord, then test to see if you experience the same issues, if not then try adding your router, restart as before, continue using the ethernet cable as well.
See if you are still no longer experiencing the problem, if not then, if you were normally connecting wirelessly remove the cable, restart exactly as you have been, test again. If your problem is ongoing then remove all other equipment except the Gateway your provider gave you to use, do not add your additional equipment until you have finished following the troubleshooting steps along the way, including using the ethernet cable.
If nothing works up to this point then go forward using the steps I provided you below. Personally I am the "simple" species of techie, I have to begin at point A then on to B or I get confused by all the variables that factor into the issues but this method can be easy enough to use doing half as much work, sometimes she says while crossing fingers ,. I hope the information and the tips above along with these IP DOS commands provide you a bit more information to help find the answer and even help to fix your issues; personally even after doing this type of tech work for many years I still resort to good old Google before researching other avenues.
Hope this will help was able to provide some information that can narrow down your search for the answers you are seeking. Happy teching, lol.
Network Connections: control netconnections. He has contributed to "Foresight Update," a nanotechnology newsletter from the Foresight Institute. By John Papiewski. Description An IP address is a set of numbers that identify your computer on a network. Reserved Addresses Networks set aside certain combinations for housekeeping and testing, such as the extreme values, "0. Address Conflicts On a given network, every IP address must be unique.
Address Range Problems Local networks, such as those used in schools, homes and offices, have a restricted range of addresses determined by the network administrator or the factory default settings of the network router. Related Articles. Re:Devices connect to router but have incorrect IP address. MAllgood Hello, may I have the detailed network diagram that how the devices are connected?
How about the wired devices, are they always getting the correct IP address? MAllgood Hello, thanks for getting back with these details. We will also ask our engineer to check if we can reproduce this issue in our lab and update you. Good days. Posts: 1. Dna2 Can you provide a detailed network layout that how are the Archer C6 and Archer C9 connected to the network? Related Articles. Nano router can connect , but no IP 0. IP address of device when connected to router is not same as the IP address on the device itself 0.
Failed to connect some devices to TP-Link wireless router , but all the others work properly? I've added to black list but all these still can connect with different MAC address?? Unable to access router web interface after changing router IP address 0. Cancel Notify Moderator. The answer to the question is simple: user error. My linksys hiport was connected incorrectly and was trying to dole out IP addresses instead of just acting as another device on the network. Sign up to join this community.
The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams?
Learn more. Asked 12 years, 3 months ago. Active 2 years, 7 months ago. Viewed 27k times. My local network is set up as However, when my macbook connects with an ethernet cable, it is given the IP Currently, I have the macbook set up with a manual IP address, and all seems to be working fine.
Any ideas on what could be causing this?