Paul seems pretty good at throwing weapons at Jason, for example. And, although Debbie is close to being the most useless character, she can row pretty fast. Also, for whatever reason, George is sometimes the first character to get the torch when I play. Go figure. Strategically, it makes sense to keep all characters around as torch-getters, Jason fighters, and child-savers.
Also, the characters can sometimes be used to cure each other. So this may be the most destructive and game play-ruining myths out there. This is not necessarily true, either. You just have to light a number of them and in a certain order. I have won the game solely with rocks, knives, and machetes often enough. The torch is obviously a good tool as it does more damage to Jason.
Plus, what if your torch-wielder dies? Do you just give up? Keep at it and you can eventually show Jason what a mere rock can do!
MYTH 4. Still, if you want to fight her, you can find her very easily. When you get right down to it, Friday the 13th is still a pretty bad video game, especially when you look at it through the lens of modern gaming. Do the counselors in Friday the 13th fight zombies and wild animals? At a time when horror games on the NES were little more than nonexistent, Friday the 13th offered an often creepy especially for young gamers horror experience that attempted to recreate the feeling of having to survive a slasher scenario.
Would it have been easier maybe even better to make a game where you played as Jason or just navigated some side-scrolling action levels as one of the counselors? Maybe, but given the previous failures of games based on Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Nightmare on Elm Street that tried similar things, you pretty much have to give Atlus credit for doing something different.
At a time when the Friday the 13th film franchise was struggling to battle creative complacency while remaining true to the spirit of the series, the Friday the 13th NES game managed to do something different while staying relatively true to the movies in the ways that mattered most. Is Friday the 13th a good game? Matthew Byrd SilverTuna Matthew Byrd is a freelance writer and entertainment enthusiast living in Brooklyn. When he's not exploring the culture of video games, he's wishing he had a….
Items do not appear randomly and can only be collected once. Therefore, supplies in the camp are limited. The included maps contain empty spaces indicating where items can be found. Use them to note what type of item is found at each location. Any weapon you pick up will permanently replace the current one. Be careful not to pick up a weapon weaker than what you already have!
Stones Power 4 : All counselors begin the game armed with stones. Knife Power 5 : A Significant improvement over the stones. Get one as soon as possible. Machete Power 7 : One of Jason's favorite weapons. It can cut down most enemies in a single stroke. Axe Power 10 : A gruesome weapon more powerful than the machete. Torch Power 20 : Although slow and somewhat unwieldy, the torch is extremely effective against Jason. Pitchfork Power 20 : The ultimate weapon.
Just as devastating as the flames of the torch, but far more precise and deadly. Lighter: The first item you will find. Use it to light the fireplaces of the Large Cabins.
Medicine : Can be used to heal the wounds of your fellow Counselors. If your active Counselor's life bar is depleted while holding some medicine, it will automatically be used to heal them. There are only 6 keys to be found in the camp.
Flashlight: Required to see hidden tunnels inside The Caves. You can find it by lighting the fireplaces in all 7 Large Cabins. Once the flashlight appears, pick it up before moving. Turning away will cause it to permanently disappear. It emits an eerie energy and will help protect you from damage. Acquiring a Torch: Lighting fireplaces is one way the player can find a Torch.
After a Counselor lights 4 fires, a special note will appear in a certain cabin directing them to the powerful weapon. Fighting Jason Day 2 : Jason will alternate between fast and slow attack patterns during Interior Combat.
During his fast pattern, focus solely on dodging. Wait for him to slow down before attacking. Fighting him in close quarters, even with a fully equipped Counselor, will likely result in death. A more reliable strategy is to move continuously staying ahead of her swooping dives. On Day 3 however, she moves too quickly to outrun. The machete can be obtain by killing 60 zombies with one counselor, killing Pamela on the first day, or hiding in a room in the cave or cabin in the woods.
Letters in large cabins will instruct the player. One strike from the machete will kill a zombie and three to take away one bar of Jason's life. The axe can be obtained by visiting one of the locked hidden rooms or in a locked cabin in the woods.
Notes will give clues for when an axe can be found. One strike from an axe can kill a zombie, and two to take one bar away of Jason's life. A torch can be found in a large cabin after all the fireplaces are lit. It is a slow weapon to throw but will remain burning on the ground to inflict damage for a short while. Takes one strike to kill one zombie and take away one bar of Jason's life. A pitchfork swipe can clear a path. One swipe of the pitchfork will kill everything in its path.
One strike of the weapon will take one bar of Jason's life. It can only be obtained by killing Jason's mother on the third day. Notes can be found in large cabins. They give clues to where to find weapons and items as well as hints to destroy Jason. Kill about three zombies to get the lighter. Use the lighter to light fireplaces in cabins. Light all the fireplaces and get the flashlight and a torch weapon found in a big cabin around the lake.
These are found randomly throughout the camp. Best place to find one are around the woods and cave. They are used to unlock cabins in the woods and hidden rooms in the cave. Can get a flashlight by lighting all the big cabin fireplaces.