Unfortunately, something else that most of us have in common is we never actually put the work in to make this a reality. We live out our entire life never allowing ourselves to be true to our dreams and desires. But those brave few warriors who set out despite the fear and doubt that overwhelms all of us? They, we, must prepare for the real work. A simple phrase with a lot of significance, following your heart is something that a lot of people identify with but very few ever take action to make a reality.
So, why not follow your dreams? Why not meet the challenges head-on instead of hiding in wait for them to spring up on you? Ultimately, either way, the two of you will meet. When these challenges arise, it can become very difficult to stay on course.
We are more in tune with what our hearts are telling us to do and what direction they are leading us. Sometimes it has been a long time since we have trusted our intuition, but having started to follow our hearts again, we clear a space to hear and listen to our intuition again. When we learn we can trust our intuition, we are more open to following our hearts. When we follow our hearts, we stop overthinking things. We are able to deal with the curve balls that life throws us more easily.
It is because we have started to believe that what should be is what will happen. We have faith and believe in our hearts that we can survive anything that comes our way, and that it has come our way for a reason. To end, I find it important to highlight the concept of listening to your heart, because it knows your true desires. It knows your wants and needs, and what will genuinely make you fulfilled.
When we are honest with ourselves, when we are willing to ask ourselves what is truly in our hearts, we open ourselves up to possibility. Possibility to fulfill our hearts desire, and to be who we were truly meant to be, doing what we were meant to do.
Tele-health counselor for www. News U. Politics Joe Biden Congress Extremism. Special Projects Highline. HuffPost Personal Video Horoscopes. Follow Us. Terms Privacy Policy. Part of HuffPost Wellness. All rights reserved. When you follow your heart, you cease having regrets. Gain a newfound respect for yourself and from those you admire. Get to know who you really are and what really matters to you. Ensure that you are on the right and true path for yourself.
Listen to your heart -- it knows your true desires. This person has achieved balance and found success and happiness in every area of life and strives for constant improvement even after achieving everything because human potential is infinite. How many people do you know who have everything and still work passionately to become better and better every single day?
Not very many right. Whether we believe it or not, this is the truth of human existence. So, following your heart is not a fancy thing where you quit your software career and become a guitarist just because you love playing the guitar. You need all areas of life to be well balanced before you take that leap. We can have everything in life if we are willing to take responsibility and work for it. We can fulfill all our desires, lead an extraordinary life, have great health and fitness, pursue and fulfill our dreams, have a great family life, be prosperous and abundant provided we are willing to take responsibility.
They are there to support you unconditionally in your journey, but you need to walk and achieve goals. There is no one right answer, no one diet for everyone, no one strategy that works for all because we are all different. Each of us is unique, and we need to develop our own strategy for life, which helps us achieve everything. Your happiness matters, and you have everything in you to find lasting happiness.
You can create an extraordinary life.