Why would he need camouflage? However, its confirmation in the Rebels finale serves as a heartfelt tribute to the years of hard work that Filoni and company has put into their animated segment of the canon in Rebels , stemming back to The Clone Wars. This article was originally published on April 14, and has been updated with new information.
However, the importance of his time as a key operative in the Rebel Alliance cannot be understated. He wasn't bred for someone else's war and held to his post by a brain implant this time around.
He chose to play a major role in toppling a tyrannical Empire, all by his own volition. The Clone Wars showcases Rex's heyday, but his life after the show ended is just as worthy of discussion. Shane started at Screen Rant in late From blockbusters to indie ventures, he's there on opening night.
He is currently attending the University At Buffalo for a Bachelor's in Film Studies and has been studying film independently for years. He has also delved into the tedious world of stop-motion animation, putting together a handful of short films. When he's away from movies, he can often be found in the gym. You have to learn to make your own decisions.
Anakin Skywalker. Ahsoka Tano. Clone Troopers. Clone Commander Cody. Cut Lawquane. ARC Trooper Fives. This site does not work on your browser. Please upgrade your browser to experience the site.
When Ezra opined that the B1 battle droids did not look dangerous, Rex responded that these droids had killed many of his friends. Rex and the other rebels soon found the munitions depot and discovered that it was full of proton bombs. Before they could proceed further, they were trapped in a ray shield and stunned by several battle droids led by B After awakening, Rex and his fellow rebels found themselves prisoners of the super tactical droid Kalani.
Kalani informed the rebels that he presumed the master control shutdown command issued to the Separatist Droid Army at the end of the war to be a Republic trick, and prevented it from disabling his battalion.
Despite Rex insisting that the Clone Wars had ended and demanded that he and his friends be released. Kalani refused, stating that he would have one last battle; a victory for the Separatist Alliance. Zeb was the only one excluded from the battle on account that his species had not been involved in the Clone Wars. Though Rex, Kanan, and Zeb expressed their opposition to the war game, Ezra struck a bargain with Kalani.
If the rebels made it back to the command center, Zeb would be free, and they would take all of the proton bombs in the hangar. Kalani accepted these terms, and the "simulation" began.
Unknown to the rebels or the Separatists, Chopper had evaded the battle droids and sent a distress call through a Neimoidian escort shuttle. However, the Empire picked up the distress signal, and Governor Pryce gave the order for the nearest Imperial fleet to deploy forces on Agamar to wipe out the rebels.
Back outside the supply ship, Rex, Kanan, and Ezra began the "simulation" as a large force of battle droids marched on their position. Utilizing a "sword and shield" maneuver whereby Rex would fire and the Jedi would deflect incoming shots, as well as using two thermal detonators to wipe out large sections of the droid attack wave, the trio made short work of the first group of battle droids. They reached the hangar bay only to find that Kalani had deployed three droidekas to intercept them.
Unable to breach the droidekas' deflector shields, Rex and the rebels were forced to retreat. Rex and Kanan agreed to provide covering fire while Ezra headed into the hangar to collapse a catwalk over the droidekas. Ezra was delayed by an unexpected reunion with Chopper but still managed to collapse the catwalk with the Force. Meanwhile, Rex was hit in the chest by a blaster bolt from a battle droid but survived due to his clone trooper armor.
While continuing their mission to the command bridge, they encountered Ezra. Rex chastised Ezra for his tardiness and warned him that one soldier's move affected everyone else in the team. In Rex's view, they needed discipline and strategy to succeed. Kanan counseled Ezra not to take the clone trooper's words personally because Rex was determined to finish the battle. After Rex knocked out another droideka with his helmet, the rebels managed to enter Kalani's command center and declared victory.
However, Kalani disagreed on technical grounds and prepared to execute Rex. Before any further violence could break out, Ezra interceded and convinced the two sides to put aside their differences. After Imperial forces landed on Agamar and attacked B and a battle droid patrol, Ezra won over Kalani to their side by pointing out that the Empire was the successor to the tyranny of the Old Republic. Kalani accepted Ezra's logic and agreed to help the rebels formulate an escape plan. When Kalani admitted never attempting such a desperate strategy, Rex responded that was why the clone troopers won; prompting Kalani to reply "not always.
One of the shuttles was shot down but the rebels' and Kalani's shuttles escaped into space. Once in space, Rex and the rebels corresponded with Kalani by hologram.
When Kalani opined that their joint effort was a successful strategy but not a victory, Rex opined that it was a victory and thanked Ezra for finding a middle ground that allowed the clones and droids to end the Clone Wars. Despite departing on friendly terms, Kalani thought that the rebellion had a poor chance of success and parted for parts unknown.
Rex and the other rebels were later contacted by Hera. Despite not obtaining the proton bombs, they acquired a new transport for the Ghost. Rex and the Phoenix Squadron took part in a mission to evacuate rebel sympathizers from the planet Mykapo prior to an Imperial crackdown.
After the Ghost and a local rebel cell called the Iron Squadron destroyed an Imperial advance patrol, Rex and the crew of a Sphyrna -class Hammerhead corvette evacuated the rebel sympathizers to safety. Rex contacted Hera and Kanan to inform them that he would be rendezvousing with the rebel fleet.
Later, Rex corresponded with Hera and her crew by hologram while discussing a plan to rescue the Iron Squadron captain Mart Mattin from Imperial forces. This mission was ultimately successful, and Mart reunited with his uncle Commander Sato. Rex along with the Spectres and other members of Phoenix Squadron attended a briefing chaired by Hera Syndulla to discuss a planned strike against the Imperial Armory Complex on the planet Lothal. During the meeting, Ezra saw the former Sith apprentice Maul sneak past Rex.
Using the dark side of the Force and Nightsister magick , Maul haunted Ezra and caused him to faint. As a result, Hera proceeded on the Lothal mission without Ezra. Rex accompanied the crew of the Ghost on a mission to find Saw Gerrera and investigate the apparent disappearance of the Geonosian species on Geonosis at the request of Senator Bail Organa ; a key ally of the rebellion. Rex explained to the Spectres that he and Saw had fought as allies during the Clone Wars.
He also warned his fellow rebels to be worried about what Saw did not find on Geonosis. The rebels landed near the Geonosian structure that Saw had last entered before losing contact with Rebel Command. While exploring an underground labyrinth, Rex along with Kanan, Ezra, and Chopper found several discarded helmets belonging to Saw's team.
Kanan and Chopper wanted to leave but Ezra and Rex were determined to find Saw and to complete their mission. After reaching a dead-end, the rebels were cornered by several battle droids and a droideka. Before the battle droids could finish off the rebels, Saw arrived and eliminated most of them with a grenade. After greeting his former comrade in arms, Rex and his fellow rebels agreed to help Saw find the lone Geonosian, who had ambushed and killed his group.
Saw believed that the Geonosian held the key as to why the Empire had wiped out the entire population of Geonosis. Rex, the Spectres, and Saw eventually reached the central air shaft. After Kanan contacted Hera to warn about the operational battle droids, the rebels discovered the lone Geonosian on the other side of the shaft.
Following a protracted pursuit, Rex and his comrades captured the Geonosian. While Saw was hostile to the Geonosian due to his animosity towards the Separatists, Ezra befriended the Geonosian, who was nicknamed " Klik-Klak. The rebels soon discovered that the source of the energy reading was Klik-Klak's nest , which contained a working transmitter. While Rex and Chopper worked to establish contact with Hera, Saw and Ezra argued about Klik-Klak; who revealed that he was the custodian of the last Geonosian queen's egg.
While Saw wanted to interrogate Klik-Klak offworld, Ezra insisted that Klik-Klak belonged on Geonosis since he was one of the few surviving members of his species.
When Saw expressed his dislike for the Geonosians, Rex reminded him that his mission was to find out what had happened to the Geonosian species. In the end, Kanan brokered a compromise that involved bringing Klik-Klak to Chopper Base for interrogation and returning him to Geonosis once they had finished with him. After establishing contact with Hera, the rebels arranged to rendezvous with her at the central air shaft.
After boarding the Ghost , Rex and the Spectres became involved in an argument with Saw over the treatment of Klik-Klak. Saw broke his agreement with Kanan and demanded that the rebels let him leave with Klik-Klak and the Geonosian egg.
During the argument, Saw electrocuted Klik-Klak with an electro-shock device, which prompted Ezra to lunge at him.
Rex tried to restrain Saw but the other rebel knocked him to the ground. When Saw threatened to destroy the Geonosian queen egg, Rex reminded him that doing so would sully the memory of his sister. The rebels' argument was interrupted by the arrival of an Arquitens -class command cruiser commanded by Captain Brunson. Rex and his fellow rebels and Saw joined forces to repel a boarding party of Jumptroopers.
During the skirmish, Rex used the Ghost ' s laser cannon to blast several of the Jumptroopers. The Ghost then fled into the depths of Geonosis. There, the rebels and Saw discovered several Imperial poison canisters which the Empire had used to exterminate the Geonosians. Having found compelling evidence of the Imperial genocide, Saw experienced a change of heart and let Klik-Klak flee with the Geonosian queen egg into the depths of Geonosis.
The rebels fought their way out of the air shaft by blasting Brunson's light cruiser with proton torpedoes. They informed Senator Organa and Commander Sato about their successful rescue of Saw, their acquisition of a deflector core , and their discovery of the Imperial genocide against the Geonosians. As part of the mission , Ezra, Chopper, and AP-5 stole a shuttle from the planet Lothal's Capital City spaceport and allowed themselves to be captured by Kallus' Imperial light cruiser, which was captained by Lieutenant Yogar Lyste.
Disguised as stormtroopers, Rex and Kanan traveled in the Sentinel -class landing craft TY to Lyste's light cruiser to facilitate the extraction.
After reaching the Chimaera , Chopper informed Rex and Kanan about the change of plans. While Rex expressed shock, Kanan told Chopper to get them a fresh set of coordinates for the Chimaera since their current coordinates would only work on the Imperial light cruiser. Chopper complied and obtained the new set of coordinates with the help of Kallus and Ezra. When Kanan asked which ship, Rex told him to transmit the coordinates at random.
TY was cleared for landing aboard the Chimaera. However, Thrawn had discovered that rebel infiltrators were aboard the shuttle and sent Governor Pryce to apprehend the intruders. Pryce saw through their stormtrooper disguises and ordered Rex and Kanan to surrender. When Kanan protested, Pryce stunned him. Rex shot one of Pryce's stormtroopers before fighting hand to hand with the governor. Pryce overpowered Rex and knocked him to the ground.
However, Lieutenant Lyste, mistaking Pryce for Fulcrum, stunned her. Before Lyste could attend to Rex, Kallus tackled him to the ground. Rex and his fellow rebels then fled aboard their landing craft. Kallus opted to stay behind in order to continue helping the rebellion. He also framed Lyste as Fulcrum in an effort to draw attention away from himself, but Thrawn was not fooled.
During the meeting, Rex expressed sympathy for Bridger's desire to find Kenobi, but believed that Kenobi had perished, citing a report from Senator Bail Organa.
Bridger disagreed and traveled with Chopper on a mission to find Kenobi. Bridger found that Kenobi was indeed alive and that Maul was no longer a problem, as Maul was finally killed by Kenobi shortly after meeting him. Rex took part in the Battle of Atollon.
In response, Hera devised a plan to sneak Ezra and Chopper out of the system aboard the Gauntlet fighter Nightbrother while launching a frontal attack on Thrawn's Seventh Fleet. Prior to the battle, Zeb and Rex joked about hunting joopas with Rex remarking they were hard to hunt but tasty.
During the space battle, Rex and Zeb manned the guns aboard the Ghost. After Commander Sato sacrificed his life and command ship Phoenix Nest by ramming Admiral Konstantine's interdictor vessel , Ezra and Chopper escaped and sought reinforcements from Clan Wren.
However, the rebel forces sustained heavy casualties at the hands of Thrawn's fleet and were forced to retreat to Atollon. Rex and Zeb managed to activate Sabine's prototype deflector shield generator, creating an umbrella above Chopper Base and the remaining rebel ships.
Despite the shield generator taking heavy damage, Rex and Zeb were pleased when the shields appeared to hold up. After Thrawn deployed ground forces, Dodonna theorized that Thrawn would send his forces through the narrow canyon leading to Chopper Base. Rex proposed guarding the passes, which Hera approved. Rex destroyed several of Thrawn's AT-DP walkers with detonators while Zeb destroyed the last one with a rocket launcher.
However, the two rebels were forced to retreat when Thrawn deployed several AT-AT walkers, which were protected by shield generators. After reuniting with Kanan, the three rebels fled into the caves under the Atollon Coral Mesa and fought Thrawn's death troopers and stormtroopers. After reuniting with Hera, General Dodonna, and AP-5, they tried to flee to the Ghost but were surrounded by Thrawn and his death troopers. Before Thrawn could take them prisoner, Kanan's mysterious friend Bendu , the enigmatic Force-wielder, unleashed a thunderstorm which devastated the base.
Rex and his rebel comrades fled aboard the Ghost and joined the rebel fleet in space. The Mandalorians destroyed Thrawn's second interdictor cruiser, allowing the rebel remnants to flee into hyperspace. Under the orders of Hera, the rebel convoy set a course for Yavin 4. When AP-5 proposed doing two jumps to cover their tracks, Rex recommended a third jump. Rex, several Spectres, and rebel ground crew were present at the airfield outside the Great Temple when Hera's squadron of Y-wings landed.
Since the fighters had sustained damaged, the Y-wings including Hera's starfighter had trouble landing. Rex remained on Yavin 4 while the Specters undertook a mission to destroy the Imperial relay on Jalindi. Following the Spectres' mission to the Lothal Jedi Temple , Rex accompanied Syndulla and Kallus on a trip to the planet Seelos to recruit several old friends of Ezra to assist in the liberation of Lothal.
Rex, Hera, and Kallus recruited the group to participate in the liberation of Lothal as a favor to Ezra. While traveling back to Lothal, the rebels waited in space at Hondo's suggestion to catch a ride on an Imperial Class four container transport. As they waited, Rex doubted that Ezra and the others could hold out against Governor Pryce's forces.
Shortly, the container transport arrived, and the rebels latched the Ghost onto the ship. Upon arriving at the Lothal cliff dwelling , Rex along with Gregor, Wolffe, and Kallus helped the other Spectres and Ryder's rebel forces defeat Pryce's remaining troops and capture the Imperial Governor.
Captain Rex participated in an operation to infiltrate the "Dome" alongside Wolffe, Gregor, and multiple other allies. The rebels used two captured patrol transports to fly to the Dome. For the operation, Rex disguised himself as a stormtrooper. During the flight, Rex reassured a skeptical Gregor that Ezra's plan would work because he was a Jedi. With the help of an unwilling Governor Pryce, the rebels landed at the Dome's executive landing pad. Following a brief battle, the rebels captured the command center.
With the help of Ryder Azadi , the rebels issued a faux Protocol 13 which caused the Imperial garrison on Lothal to evacuate aboard the Dome. Before the rebels could launch the mobile base, Grand Admiral Thrawn returned aboard the Chimaera and blocked their path. Since Thrawn's Noghri assassin Rukh and the Imperial forces had disabled the Dome's deflector shield generator, the Chimaera was able to bombard Capital City. Ezra stopped the bombardment by offering to surrender himself.
When Zeb proposed using the Dome's cannons to blast the Chimaera , Rex advised against it since their weaponry was no match for the Star Destroyer's firepower.
Despite Rex and Hera's objections, Ezra escaped on a patrol transport and went up to face Thrawn aboard the Chimaera. In Ezra's absence, the rebels endorsed Sabine's plan to recapture the north and south power terminals in order to restart the Dome's shield generators. Rex along with his fellow Team A members Hondo and Ketsu Onyo were assigned to the north power terminal. Despite fierce Imperial resistance, the rebels reached the north power terminal after Ketsu used a manual override to extend the bridges.
Sabine also aided Rex's team by sealing a blast door so that they could proceed with their mission to reactive the power terminal. When Hondo's Ugnaught companion Melch arrived with a stormtrooper hot in pursuit, Rex shot the trooper. Rex was distraught when his Clone comrade Gregor was shot in the chest while taking part in the assault to secure the south tower.
After restarting the north power terminal, Rex attended to his fallen comrade. Gregor told him it was a pleasure fighting alongside him for a greater cause before dying in his arms. After Ezra summoned a pod of purrgil to carry him, Thrawn, and the Chimaera into uncharted space, Rex and the other rebels watched in shock in the command center. The rebels then launched the Dome into Lothal's upper atmosphere. As stormtroopers tried to storm the command center, Rex and the other rebels evacuated aboard the Ghost , which was being flown by Rex's fellow clone trooper Wolffe, Mart Mattin, and Cikatro Vizago.
Once safely airborne, the rebels detonated the Dome, wiping out the Imperial garrison on Lothal and ending Imperial rule on the planet. General Syndulla told Rex to bring out every star chart along Ezra's last known trajectory. However, they received a pre-recorded message by Ezra telling him that he made a difficult decision and thanking the Spectres for being his family. Rex warned that the Empire would return to the planet, an assessment shared by Kallus who hoped that the Rebel Alliance would finally send support.
He and his allies decided to help defend Lothal but in addition to that, he continued to work with the Rebel Alliance with General Syndulla.
Despite Rex's fears, the Empire never returned to Lothal. In the years following the Battle of Atollon, Rex continued to serve in the Rebellion and work alongside its leaders. The man now formerly known as Darth Vader died shortly afterward, and Luke gave him a funeral on Endor.
Rex was remembered in the time after Galactic Civil War 's Battle of Endor , and was mentioned by a member of the Whills , as someone to be remembered in galactic history. The Whill mentioned Rex and the others when they learned that the Whill tasked with writing about galactic history in the Journal of the Whills intended to start with the Galactic Civil War.
The writer clarified Rex and the others' stories would be told, but the other Whill protested that it was being done out of order. A legend amongst his clone brothers, [21] Rex was a brave Clone Captain, [22] and later a Clone Commander, until he shed his designation after Order Rex was produced from the template of the bounty hunter Jango Fett. During the Clone Wars, Rex's priorities were first and foremost to his clone brothers, [62] many of whom he loved deeply.
He was disgusted by Clone Sergeant Slick's betrayal of the Republic during the Battle of Christophsis, [31] and was greatly anguished having to defend himself and shoot his own men during the execution of Order He greatly mourned the sacrifice of clone trooper Hevy; despite not having known the clone for very long, Hevy made a significant impression on the captain.
He was also close with Commando Gregor—whom he considered an old friend [25] —and Commander Wolffe, living with the two of them for many years following the Clone Wars. It was not a decision Rex made lightly, with the Clone Officer crying at the thought that his brothers had been brainwashed to lay down their lives to kill him and Tano.
Although in the end Ahsoka told him not to kill them, the clones were killed in the crash of the Tribunal , but Rex and Tano made sure to bury their bodies to honor their former friends. Rex had great loyalty to the Republic and defended it by facing the Separatist Droid Army. Rex was very close with his Jedi General Anakin Skywalker during the Clone Wars, harboring deep respect and friendship for the man.
The two trusted each other with their lives on a near-constant basis, [42] and Skywalker even trusted Rex to know about his secret marriage and to act as lookout whenever he wished to talk to her via hologram.
Rex also developed a friendship [84] and close bond [] with Skywalker's Padawan, Ahsoka Tano, even becoming a mentor to her by offering her advice and valuable leadership experience, teaching her that experience outranked everything.
Despite this, the two would maintain a deep respect for each other after the Clone Wars. Rex and many of the other clones repainted their armor when Tano returned to their ranks shortly before the Siege of Mandalore.
Although Tano told him that he did not have to refer to her as commander anymore since she had left the Jedi Order, Rex did so anyway. When Order 66 was issued, Rex managed to resist his programing long enough to warn Ashoka, before succumbing to the order.
Under the influence of order 66, Rex's goal was to kill Ashoka. However, after Ashoka had Rex's inhibitor chip removed, his loyalty to Ashoka returned, and he himself killed several of his own brothers to save her life. Unlike most of his brothers, he could at least resist order 66 for a short time. During the Age of the Empire , Rex would return a favor to his friend Tano by joining the rebellion.
His knowledge of former Republic military bases, [8] combat skills, and military tactics would help the rebellion in its fight against the Galactic Empire. Surviving the execution of Order 66, one of Rex's first priorities was to warn Cut Lawquane about the control chips [93] before he made it his mission to fight the Empire. Even though he knew the government he had once served was gone, Rex believed elements of the Republic, like his clone brothers, still survived, convincing the captain to continue his life's mission to defend it.
Nevertheless, he admitted to Hunter that he was still trying to find his place in the galaxy. Although Hunter had promised his squad would help Rex whenever he needed it, [14] Rex ensured he only contacted them in cases of extreme importance, such as the rescue of Gregor. While Rex initially had a difficult relationship with the Jedi Purge survivor Kanan Jarrus and argued over strategies and Ezra Bridger's priorities, the two put aside their differences following a mission to rescue Ezra and Commander Jun Sato from an Imperial Interdictor.
Rex was staunchly loyal to the Old Republic and refused to recognize the authority of the Galactic Empire after his inhibitor chip was removed by Tano. Rex's fortitude led him to resist torture at the hands of the Imperial officer Brom Titus.
He also regarded Imperial stormtrooper armor as inferior to the clone trooper armor he wore during the Clone Wars. Due to his Clone Wars experiences, Rex harbored a significant antipathy for battle droids. As a clone trooper, Rex was bred to fight and wanted to finish his mission to destroy his battle-droid opponents.
However, Bridger convinced Rex and Kalani to put aside their past differences in order to fight the Empire. Rex harbored considerable respect and loyalty to his former Clone Wars comrade Saw Gerrera, whom he had first met during the Onderon campaign. While Rex was unwilling to abandon his former comrade, he still expressed discomfort with some of Gerrera's harsh methods including brutalizing the Geonosian captive Klik-Klak and threatening to destroy the last Geonosian queen egg.
Still, Rex was empathetic to Gerrera's pain and realized that his comrade was still grieving the loss of his sister Steela. Rex's belief in the sanctity of life led him to fight with Saw when the latter threatened to destroy the last Geonosian queen egg. However, despite wanting to believe Kenobi was alive, he believed Bail Organa's word that the Jedi Master had perished. Rex was proven wrong when Bridger encountered Kenobi during an errant mission to Tatooine. During the Battle of Atollon, they traded jokes about joopa and quipped about Sabine's prototype shield generator.
By the time that the Spectres returned to Lothal, Rex had become acquainted with his former Imperial foe Kallus. General Syndulla placed Rex in charge of looking after the Ghost in her absence. As a warrior, Rex believed that the rebels needed to be on guard should the Empire return to Lothal. Rex was a skilled military commander and a respected leader who won the respect of his men and peers. While he was trained to wield firearms, Rex was also proficient in unarmed combat.
Rex put his combat and technical skills to good use when he escaped the Tribunal with Ahsoka Tano in a Y-wing bomber. He also demonstrated his skills in a successful rebel operation to infiltrate and launch the Dome during the Liberation of Lothal.
During the Clone Wars, Rex wore both Phase I and Phase II clone trooper armor with blue markings, eventually wearing a unique armor set composed of phase II with phase I elements welded on most notably his phase I helmet visor. During the Imperial Era, Rex also took to wearing a cloak over his armor, allowing him to hide his face. Rex used dual DC blaster pistols in combat during the Clone Wars and continued to use them after the fall of the Republic.
According to the The Clone Wars film DVD commentary, the series' creators originally intended to use the Legends clone trooper Alpha of the Star Wars: Republic comic book series as the series' prime clone character.
Later in the commentary, Dave Filoni stated Rex's use of twin blaster pistols was a direct reference to clone template Jango Fett. Filoni claimed Rex was more like Jango than some of his fellow troopers. A heated rivalry between the Clone Army's general ground forces and pilots and their droids would ultimately result in Rex flying a starfighter with R2 as his copilot.
They would crash and be stranded together on one of the moons of Ryloth , [] where most of the episodes would take place.
Why else is there a bearded old guy on Endor , Tano? It makes no sense. If you don't want that to happen, do you know what that means?