How is elizabeth able to open tears

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I'm pretty sure that the spire is keeping her powers in check so that she cant open tears out of nowhere. KOTRsss posted But she does. In her tower we see it and she's doing it throughout the entire game. Even in elevators. Throughout the game she's not creating tears out of nowhere, she's just opening the ones that already exist. Well, correct me if I'm wrong, but when she opens the tear to Paris, there was a painting where it was, right?

I don't know--I thought that was interesting. She painted the scene and made it reality. Who isnt. Yeah, she does do that. My guess is that the tear was already there, but I dont have a good explanation for it. BioShock Infinite Store Page. Global Achievements. Crowroost View Profile View Posts.

Got to the part where Elizabeth needs to go to her mother's grave. A lock-shaped tear is on the door but cannot be interacted with by Liz. Then it seems a majority of the tears in the area stop working.

Reloading a checkpoint or even the chapter yield the same. Anyone else experience this? Suggestions for a solution? Or am I missing something? Showing 1 - 7 of 7 comments. I have the same problem. A little help would be appreciated. Tears just stopped working after I got the Shock Jockey. Lovecraft View Profile View Posts. When tapping into these Tears, she is able to transport objects from the other side to the current world.

Throughout his adventure in Columbia, Booker DeWitt may encounter multiple Tears to help him fight back against the city's inhabitants. Elizabeth is able to transport these to Columbia's world at Booker's request. In , quantum-physicist Rosalind Lutece discovered a method of suspending an atom indefinitely, naming it the Lutece Field.

The US Government, after Comstock demonstrated what could be done, saw Columbia as an opportunity to spread the ideals of American society and success. They drafted Rosalind and her technology to make the floating city a reality.

By , when Columbia finished construction, Rosalind was observing an atom in her Lutece Field when she noticed she was not the only one interested in the particle. The same atom was being observed from another reality by her counterpart, Robert. After the creation of the device, Zachary Comstock utilized the machine to maintain his status as a religious leader and prophet of the city. By using the device, he could see every possible future and outcome of Columbia and its people. Despite being around twenty years old, Comstock was left with the physical attributes and appearance of a man almost three times his true age.

Concerned with his lack of an heir, Rosalind proposed to Comstock that they simply travel to a dimension in which an alternate healthy version of himself had conceived a child. Robert revealed that Comstock did not exist in his reality - Booker DeWitt refused the baptism that led Comstock down his zealous path, fathering a healthy baby daughter.

Comstock entered Robert's reality and, using him as an agent, offered to erase DeWitt's debts in exchange for his newborn daughter, Anna. DeWitt reluctantly obliged but quickly regretted his decision, rushing after them to get his daughter back. DeWitt found Comstock, Anna, and Robert about to enter the Tear and a struggle ensued when he attempted to snatch her back. Comstock gained the upper hand and pulled Anna through, with the Tear closing on Anna's finger as she reached back towards her father.

Robert and Anna remained in Comstock and Rosalind's universe, where Anna was renamed Elizabeth and heralded as Comstock's heir.

As Elizabeth grew and matured, it was discovered that she had the ability to open Tears to other dimensions just as the machine had done.

Because Elizabeth's body existed in two separate realities at once, her physical form was spread out across dimensional space. With Elizabeth's power and Comstock's overuse of the Lutece's machine, the fabric of space and time weakened. All around Columbia, Tear anomalies began to appear — connections to other realities.

Citizens of Columbia could see through these Tears; some used them to plagiarize works and inventions that were seen in other realities. This knowledge greatly furthered the progress of Columbia's technologies and their resulting wonders. At several points in the game, Elizabeth and Booker choose, for various reasons, to step through Tears, rather than bring the contents of a Tear to them.

These Tears take them into alternate universes in which critical events occurred differently. Elizabeth has limited control over what kind of world these Tears lead to she always thought of them as a form of wish fulfillment , but is unable to open a Tear leading back to a previous universe, making Tear travel a one-way journey.

These Tears are occasionally unstable, leaving people who were nearby in either universe in a state of flux, which is especially traumatic if they are dead in the previous reality. Rosalind Lutece devised a way of making and opening Tears through technological means, and opened one to bring her "brother" her alternate self Robert to her world. During an attempt on their lives, Rosalind and Robert Lutece were scattered across the multiverse, and became able to create and open Tears without using their device.

The Tear experience at least the first trip can be traumatic for the one crossing over and can cause amnesia, and often result in new memories being formed from old ones. The Tear created by the prototype device that allowed Robert to enter Columbia seems to work slightly different than other Tears seen in the game.

Not only does it appear somewhat different, it allows people to enter another reality without suffering the negative effects associated with a "normal" Tear. However, if the Tear closes and the person has stayed in the alternate reality, then the negative effects will occur as normal as seen with Robert Lutece when he didn't get sick until after the Tear had closed.

For Comstock his prolonged exposure to the Lutece device cost him his fertility, health and sanity, but no one else exposed to Tears is known to have suffered from similar problems. The Boys of Silence have a limited use of Tears, and can use them to phase minions in and out of space-time to fight enemies.

Tears began to appear in Rapture after Elizabeth entered the city. The Tears did not go unnoticed by Rapture's populace; however, many believed they were simply a hallucination brought on by the 'Plasmid Blues', or one of the many strange sights to be had in the city of tomorrow. In an alternate universe, Jeremiah Fink used the Tears to plagiarize Rapture's technology.


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