A compost or manure tea can enrich your soil as can aged compost added across the top of planting beds twice a year. For root crops, such as beets, growing in soil already rich in nutrients is a better course than fertilizing the soil and plants during the growing season.
If you do use a liquid fertilizer during the root formation and growing time, be sure that is well diluted. Most vegetables that grow best in cool weather will germinate more quickly when the soil is warm, often warmer than the air temperature that they prefer. These are optimal temperatures for germination and growth. Beets will germinate in soil as cool as 40F but germination will take longer.
Would soaking the seeds in tepid water prior to planting be helpful when sowing in the cooler temps? Soaking beet seeds or other seeds help to soften the seed coat and allow for quicker germination. Beets will germinate in soil as cool as 40F, although temperatures between 50 and 80F are most desired. Check the soil temperature to see if the soil has sufficiently warmed.
Worried about the transplanting part. Any advice? And when do they reach transplanting age? Transplanting beet seedlings can be tricky. It is important to not disturb the roots at transplant time. Transplant seedlings when they are 2 to 3 inches tall. Try to move the seedlings with plenty of soil around the roots; then gently firm them into their new home. Greenhouse set up and growing requires special insights. Hello Steve, do beets go to seed, if so could i collect and resow?
Thank you Richard. Yes, beets flower and produce seed. Beets are biennials which means they commonly flower in the second year. If you live where winters are very cold the plant may die before it flowers. Rather than harvest the beet plant, let it remain in the garden until it sends up a flower stalk; there are multiple flowers on each stalk and each flower contains 2 to 5 seeds—a seed cluster.
Cut the flower stalk from the plant then let the stalk dry for 2 or 3 weeks. The seed clusters can then be stripped from the stalk and stored for next season or planted. So I am in zone 7 and started beets inside and transplanted them outside in the garden when about 3 inches. They were limp before I transplanted and when they were finally in the garden the stalk and leaves are now standing up but VERY fragile, rain drops crush them.
Any advise? Place a frame at the corners of the planting bed and drape a row cover over the frame; do this particularly on rainy days to shield the seedlings from beating rain. Beets do not transplant easily, so that plant are probably adjusting and may suffer some transplant shock before they gain strength.
I live in Brisbane Australia — sub tropical climate- should I check my soil is as loose as it needs to be as soil PH seems correct. Slow to no growth of healthy plants can be caused by environmental factors; temperatures too warm or too cold; cloud cover or lack of sun; too little or too much water.
If temperature could be a fact, wait until the weather cools—or if the weather is cold, place a row cover over the seedlings until they gain strength. Can I germinate beet seeds in paper towel and plant the whole thing once show small roots forming?
Thank you. Dampen the paper towel; place the seeds on the towel and fold it over the seeds; place the seeds and towel in a plastic baggie and keep in warm, well-lit place until the seeds germinate.
My beet tops started sprouting, they are about an inch above ground and just stopped. What could cause that? The young seedlings may be stymied by cool night temperatures; protect the plants with a row cover. Be sure they are getting a full-day of sunshine. Keep the soil just moist, not wet. My son just brought me a tray of beet plants. They truly are limp and fragile. Your info is very helpful. Thank you so much. I planted some golden burpee beets and watermelon radish seeds almost a month ago in little pots.
They germinated ok. But then just stopped growing altogether. They each have the initial two little leaves but then nothing. Is this normal or will they have a growth spurt later on?
They are being grown on a sunny windowsill. Give the young plants a boost—try a dilute solution of fish emulsion, that is half of what is recommended on the label. If they remain healthy looking they should start growing. Be sure to thin the young seedlings from 5 to 6 inches apart; this will allow roots to develop. If there is too much nitrogen in the soil, leafy tops will develop without roots.
Use a fertilizer to ensure there is phosphorus in the soil. Get the best gardening tips straight into your inbox! Email Address:. Join our gardening family to receive the latest tips. Search Search for: Search. Beets are a cool-season crop; they are best grown in spring and fall. Grow beets for their sweet roots or earthy-flavored greens. Beets are most flavorful and colorful when grown in cool soil.
Facebook 0 Tweet 0 Pin 0. The taproot can also be trimmed to 2. Beets are highly outcrossing and wind pollinated so need to be isolated from other beet and Swiss chard varieties by miles depending on physical obstructions and wind conditions.
Beets need moderate fertility and prefer a slightly acidic soil. They are also tolerant of high salt content. Any diseased or rotten roots should be discarded and not planted for seed production. Disease can be minimized by avoiding overhead watering. Plant the beets 2 feet apart in rows that are 3 feet apart. Seed may take between days to mature, so planning for this long season is paramount. Seed formation will begin weeks after flower stalk initiation and mature seed may take another several weeks.
On a small scale the seed stalks can be cut by hand. Then the stalks are stripped of seed this can be done by hand — it is advisable to wear leather gloves , or threshed by walking or driving on a pile or windrow of plants. It works well to do an initial pass through large gauge screen such as a half-inch mesh hardware cloth screen to remove large sticks, chaff and debris after threshing.
Spread this rough-scalped seed out on landscape cloth or other breathable cloth in a drying shed or hoop house for a few days to a couple weeks weather and location dependent to complete the drying before any further seed is processed. Cleaning beet seed can be a dusty process so it is wise to wear a respirator. Threshing the seed by foot will help eliminate some of the corky outer seed coat. Scalping screens discard much of the remaining sticks, and sieve screens get rid of small beet seed and tiny bits of debris.
Winnowing with a box fan helps to eliminate the light dust and chaff. A few sticks usually remain at this stage of cleaning. For small seed lots these sticks can be picked out by hand. After all, the secret to a good life is Read more ».
I now snip my rejects off at ground level with nail scissors and leave the roots in the ground; result, cleaner salad leaves, the large seedling suffers less disturbance and the roots decay, feeding the survivors. Works for me! Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.
This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. Written by Linda Ly. When the seed balls germinate, they may have two to five seedlings sprout all at once. Leave a Reply Cancel Reply. Previous Post Home, Briefly.