These companions are only available while playing the Dead Money add-on , they are only temporary and will not follow the Courier around as standard companions do:. These companions are only available while playing the Honest Hearts add-on , they are only temporary and will not follow the Courier around as standard companions do:.
Temporary followers are NPCs that can accompany the player character during quests, or they might even offer their support only for a limited time or within a certain area.
Unlike permanent companions, temporary companions do not use the companion wheel, do not heal automatically, and with the exception of Deputy Beagle, do not have an option to exchange equipment. Each companion also has a special attribute referred to in the game as Nerve.
In regards to weapons, each companion has their own Strength limitations, they will suffer accuracy penalties just like the Courier if trying to use a weapon that has a higher strength requirement than they possess. Furthermore, depending on a companion's preferred weapon type, damage can be increased even further by buying improved ammunition, or crafting it with Hand Loader or Vigilant Recycler. Giving an energy weapons-user certain optimized ammunition types added with Gun Runners' Arsenal can influence their overall carry weight in Hardcore mode due to the ammunition's reduced weight.
Finally, weapons given to companions do not lose durability unless hit directly by enemies, therefore high-damage and high-degradation ammunition types are usually preferable unless said ammunition grants the enemy x damage threshold multiplier. However, as Nerve is currently implemented, only the damage boost is ever applied to companions, limiting the usefulness of a high charisma build significantly. Some mods have been made to address the issue, such as Nerve: Reimplemented. Because Nerve only affects DT and damage, companion quests that bestow other bonuses upon completion such as movement speed are potentially less effective for those with high Charisma.
All permanent companions' default weapons have unlimited ammunition. If equipping followers with a better weapon, DPS is checked add ammunition and check its count from time to time - they seem to hold on to the new weapon when out of ammunition or switch to melee instead. Companions can use unique weapons with already built-in upgrades, such as the Ratslayer.
Most companions use a weapon that's named after them. They share the same main characteristics as the standard version of the weapon and only differ in name, such as:. They can also wear all types of armor and power armor that is not related to a faction, even without having the Power Armor Training perk. They only change gear if they are given gear that has a better Damage Threshold than their own outfits.
This may not always hold true, however; giving multiple copies of the same outfit to a companion may result in them equipping an inferior copy, despite the difference in DT. Companions will refuse to wear or even carry faction-specific apparel, except apparel corresponding to their own faction.
You can round up a nice group of companions and hold them up at the 38 Suite or simply send them back to their natural points of origin where you found them. Once you establish "companionship" you can always approach the desired companion and ask them to travel with you without speech challenges. That bout sums up basic companion management. There's always outfitting or loadout and companion quests too, but those topics are separate discussions -more an FYI at this point.
Belanos View Profile View Posts. Originally posted by SoundDriver :. What B said. Per page: 15 30 Overall, the same rules are carried over from Fallout 3 , as the Courier can have only one humanoid companion and one "animal" companion, the latter referring to Rex and ED-E.
The main difference from Fallout 3 is companions cannot die when playing in Casual mode, instead companions can be only rendered unconscious with the exception of story branches that lead to a companion's death such as having a companion getting hostile and then killing them or leaving any companion in the hidden Valley bunker if the player decides to blow up the bunker.
However, in hardcore mode , normal rules of death apply with a few exceptions. In Fallout 4 , only one companion can follow the Sole Survivor at a time.
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Forgot your username or password? What are all of the available companions and where are they? Where are my companions? All companions?? Do companions have to be following you to get the perk? I lost my companions?