Sat is what type of test

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Take a look at the chart below for a rundown of the basic differences between the two types of SAT tests in their current forms:. Nonetheless, you should check the testing requirements for each school you're applying to since they can differ quite a bit. Let's go through them one at a time. Most schools, including the major state universities, don't require applicants to submit Subject Test scores.

However, some colleges will consider SAT II scores, so they can be a helpful way to show your mastery of a certain subject area as long as you do well. Some colleges have more specific guidelines regarding which Subject Tests you need to take. A growing subset of schools have adopted a test-flexible policy , which means they allow students to choose which scores they'd like to submit from a number of different tests.

The SAT II tests are subject-specific tests that might or might not be required, depending on where you plan to apply. That said, don't forget to confirm colleges' policies on their official websites! If you've determined that you need to take the SAT II, the next step is figuring out which Subject Tests you should take and what scores you need to shoot for.

We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:. For Evidence Support questions, you must locate contextual evidence for an answer to a previous question. In other words, these questions are directly related to the questions that precede them. To answer these questions, you must identify a particular line or group of lines from which you found the answer to a question. A Data Interpretation question requires you to interpret data usually in the form of a table, chart, or graph and understand how it relates to the passage.

Once you've familiarized yourself with all of the Reading question types, it's time for you to employ our top three tips for the SAT Reading section! Because the Reading section revolves solely around passages, it's critical you dedicate the bulk of your SAT Reading prep to working with SAT-esque passages.

These mock SAT tests created by the College Board offer a plethora of realistic Reading passages that closely mimic the style and form of the passages you'll be given on test day. In addition to official practice tests, you can also use unofficial SAT Reading materials — as long as they contain high-quality Reading passages similar to those on the SAT.

This way you can familiarize yourself with the type of materials you'll see on test day. Process of elimination is an excellent strategy and even one recommended by a perfect scorer! As we already know, each Reading question offers four possible answer choices of which just one is correct. Some of the most common reasons answer choices are eliminated are that they're:.

Remember, even a single word in an answer choice can make it incorrect , so look closely for any reason to eliminate a choice before deciding on the correct one. Unlike the old pre SAT, which often tested obscure vocabulary words in complete isolation, the new SAT only tests vocabulary knowledge within the context of passages.

Additionally, current SAT vocabulary is only about medium difficulty , meaning many of the words tested are ones you've likely seen and may have even used before. Woo hoo! The challenging part of SAT vocabulary, however, is being able to identify lesser-known tertiary meanings of common words. What this means is, while you no longer need to dedicate hours upon hours to memorizing thousands of vocabulary words, you do need to familiarize yourself with some of the rarer meanings of common words.

Likewise, you should also know how to decipher a vocabulary word's meaning based on how it's being used in a passage. In other words, the Writing section is all about your proofreading and editing skills!

Like the Reading section, the Writing section revolves entirely around passages. Unlike Reading passages, however, all Writing passages are nonfiction , taking the form of narratives, arguments, and explanatory texts.

Your primary mission on the Writing section is to correct or leave as is, if no errors are present words and sentences within these passages. For science-based passages containing charts or graphs, you may be asked to replace an incorrect sentence with a new sentence that more accurately reflects the data provided. I then provide you with our top three tips for getting a great score on SAT Writing. These types of Writing questions focus primarily on the big picture of a passage and usually ask you to provide evidence for why you are making a particular change.

These questions require you to think about the various ways ideas can be expressed in words. More specifically, you must rearrange, add, combine, or delete sentences to improve the overall flow of a passage.

For Standard English Conventions questions, you must correct incorrect words or phrases, so that they adhere to the basic rules of English grammar, punctuation, spelling, and capitalization. This doesn't mean you must review every single grammar rule in existence — just the ones most commonly tested on the SAT. For more details on what these rules are and how you can master them, check out our in-depth guides to SAT grammar and SAT punctuation.

Because none of the Writing section's passages are works of fiction, your best bet is to read real-life newspaper and magazine articles, persuasive texts, and essays. As you study, you'll use these texts to hone your editorial eye, identifying transitional words and connections in thought.

You'll also want to examine how the author builds his or her argument or main point throughout the text. What evidence does he or she provide? Is it ultimately effective? Why or why not?

There will be a wide array of topics for Writing passages, so feel free to dig into a variety of texts. To be a sharp editor, you must understand how to write well. And to write well, you must learn from the feedback on your own writing. Begin by noting any red marks on essays you turn in at school, making yourself aware of any errors you continuously make on your writing.

As you write essays for school, make sure you're also paying attention to the structure of your arguments. Launch your gaming career at one of these top 50 programs. SNHU makes earning an undergraduate degree and furthering your education accessible and affordable. Teach or Tutor for Us. College Readiness. All Rights Reserved. The Princeton Review is not affiliated with Princeton University. Recently viewed. Find Your Dream School. SAT Basics. Explore Colleges For You Connect with our featured colleges to find schools that both match your interests and are looking for students like you.


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