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The Journal of Specialised Translation. Product names play an important role in commerce today. From a translation theory point of view, it is implicitly supposed, however, that they do not raise translation problems.

Indeed, translators are simply expected to render them in the target language without making any changes. The present study reveals nevertheless that the processing of product names is associated with uncertainty among trainee translators and professional translators alike.

This call for papers must then, before attending to other matters, situate itself in its material context, in an academic institution speaking in English and in French, two dominant, national, colonial languages, coping with the technological imperialism relating both to advances in translation technology as well as COVID fallout.

French and English likewise find themselves among an elite group of languages having achieved an extremely high level of speed and quality in machine translation, threatening with the spectre if not the reality of human obsolescence. In fact, because of the nature of the databases which ground much machine translation, machine translation between French and English has achieved a level of quality surpassing any other language pair Poibeau.

This points to the fact that the material turn in Translation Studies is no simple product of idle intellectual curiosity. Rather, it is foregrounded by a sea change in the field of translation as a practice and a profession. This makes the turn itself doubly performative as the tools of research turn to cope with technological shifts.

Scholars such as Michael Cronin and Anthony Pym have commented upon the ways that recent developments in translation technology such as translation memories, crowdsourced translations, mobile apps or wearable translation devices are radically changing the way translators translate, as well as the relationship of global reading and speaking publics to language in translation.

But over the past three or four years, advances in neural networks and deep learning with free online or private machine translators such as Google Translate, Systran, CSLI, Bing, Promt, Tilde, Baidu, and DeepL have pushed these shifts to the brink. What does it mean for translation and translations studies when the debate between word for word and sense for sense translations is conjugated by the uncountable layers of word vectors and interrelated algorithms that go into the process of coding and decoding a text entered into a translation machine?

Could machine translation be likened to the advent of photography for the visual arts—changing profoundly the way we conceive of matter and meaning, of what we translate? What is the matter in translation? This call for a symposium exploring the connection between Translation and Materiality is thus open to papers on:.

How does translation adapt and change as it migrates across tongue, paper and code? How does this invite us to rethink both human and non-human agency? What happens when we conjugate the materialism of scholars such as Claudia Jones, Angela Davis, or Chela Sandoval with translation theory and practice? How are translators and their associated textual agents adapting to the evolution of cyborg and algorithmic culture?

Is code a language? Here we might see critiques of English as the Lingua Franca of technological language. Are minority languages becoming privileged spaces for resistance to an even greater extent than they were already?

How are the problems of machine translation for minority languages different from those of major languages? How does materiality play into translating for film, television or theatre?

Topics relating to the materiality of translating subtitles, surtitles, fansubbing or voice over could be tackled here. What vision of materiality is proposed by a practice such as homophonic translation, for example? Proposals for participation may take two forms, as the symposium will likewise explore alternative forms of doing research, opening to creative, practice-based models, under the assumption that these technological shifts are changing both the way we translate and the way we do research, orienting us towards a more process-oriented, participative model.

A approx. Proposals for practical translation workshops, with a duration anywhere from one to three hours please indicate a proposed timeline in the abstract , exploring experimental translation techniques that use the materiality of language or technology in inhabitual ways, with a view towards creative, research or pedagogical innovation.

We encourage proposals for the workshops to think about translation as material in terms of literal movement through space, perhaps translating in one place and then carrying out a reading or performance of the work undertaken in another. A final preoccupation of the symposium relating to the desire to do research differently is the desire to reflect practically on translation pedagogy, emancipating and democratizing the learning environment.

We likewise encourage communicants, particularly of the workshops, to submit collectively in pairs or groups. We also urge participants to work with and present on other languages besides English or French, particularly for the workshops, with the knowledge that English and French must by necessity remain the principal languages of comprehension if comprehension is necessary during the symposium.

Conference papers and workshop proceedings may be considered following the symposium for subsequent publication. Abrahams From estranger to e-stranger. Abrioux and A.

James Baer and K. Baumgarten and J. Bengio, A. Courville and I. Goodfellow Deep Learning. Bloomfield, R. Gavin, P. Camille Bloomfield et al. Please do leave them untouched. Otherwise your message will be regarded as spam. We are sorry for the inconvenience. Hallo Welt. EN FR. Rechercher dans les deux sens de traduction Changer la combinaison de langues actuelle. Mon historique de recherche Mes favoris.

I know which you'd like. I don't mind which. Autres traductions et expressions typiques avec les termes de votre recherche. I don't know which ones to take!

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