This applies to older students who have not yet mastered reading and writing, and to students who are learning to both speak, and become literate, in English. High expectations go hand in hand with creating an optimal learning environment that generates an atmosphere of trust, where it is understood it is OK to make mistakes and self correct because mistakes are the essence of learning.
The social setting that teachers provide is equally as important as the physical environment. Research shows that the quality of the instruction makes a difference and more than that, that it is the interaction between the teacher and student, most especially the feedback the student gets, which is essential Hattie, Learning to read and write involves taking risks.
This is more likely to happen if students feel that their attempts will be valued. Teachers need to help students see that mistakes are a natural part of the learning process. By accepting their approximations and providing informed, genuine, and encouraging responses, teachers let students know that they believe they will learn. While teachers can create the conditions that foster learning and demonstrate strategies for learning to occur, the students have to actively engage in the process.
The program needs to be interesting enough so that students want to be engaged in the learning. Effective teachers also create learning environments that are alive with purposeful print and where students have access to reading, and creating, a wide range of texts. Effective teachers flexibly use a range of instructional practices to meet the diverse needs of the students in any class.
These strategies are the tools of effective practice and teachers should plan for whole class, small groups and independent work. Within these contexts, effective teachers will provide a varying degree of support that reflects the needs of the students and the challenge in the learning.
This gradual release of responsibility will come through reading and writing, to shared and guided reading and writing with the students, leading to independent reading and writing by the students.
If all students are given individual turns for each component of the lesson it takes away from student practice opportunities for everyone as you're teaching. Through systematic explicit instruction students are given multiple opportunities to practice and they are given the supports they need to promote literacy development. Nell Duke describes the "gradual release of responsibility" instructional approach to reading instruction, which involves explicit modeling and opportunities for guided practice leading to students' independent use of a particular skill or strategy.
Don Deshler describes the characteristics of research-based, explicit, comprehension strategy instruction for adolescents, including modeling, scaffolding , and opportunities for practice in a variety of contexts.
Topic: Comprehension, Interventions, Reading Disabilities. Department of Education. Improving Literacy Briefs. State of Dyslexia.
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Yet despite our best efforts, a disadvantaged child in England is still more than twice as likely as their classmates from more advantaged homes to leave primary school without reaching the expected levels in reading and writing. But it can be difficult to know where to start. There are thousands of studies of primary literacy teaching out there, most of which are presented in academic papers and journals. They can effectively identify what works for students and what does not.
When I am instructing pre-service teachers, I tell them that the greatest secret to classroom management is to get to know each of their students individually.
At the beginning of each school year, I took turns having lunch with each one of my students. I soon came to realize that the time spent one-on-one getting to know each student proved to be invaluable as it related to knowing how to differentiate instruction for each one of my first graders.
I also saw that the mutual respect that resulted greatly influenced student motivation. Part of getting to know each student involves building relationships with their families as well.
Good teachers include parents as an important part of the classroom culture, building a greater sense of community. As they say, it takes a village. The teachers who I respect most are the teachers who keep things fresh by constantly learning new things about what they are teaching.
These teachers are willing to read books, take classes, organize study groups and learn new and innovative technologies. They are also open to learning new things even if they go against the way they were taught or practices that have been accepted on the basis of tradition rather than evidence.
Conversely, I have seen a whole grade level of teachers who went to great lengths to preserve an assessment that was so old that it was out of print just because they would rather keep doing what they have always done rather than use something new and more informative. I know teachers are strapped for time but I think the key to continued learning is at least being willing to learn new things.