Most car accidents occur weekdays between 8 and 9 am and increase again from 3 through 6pm, coinciding with school traffic and work commutes. Of all accidents that occur on weekends, most happen between 10 and 1. We've captured over 58 different types of collision claims. But did you know that the make and model of your c Looking for new car insurance? The faster a vehicle travels, the longer it takes to slow down in the event of an obstacle.
Even a small increase in speed can result in a much higher risk of being involved in a collision or other type of accident. Drunk driving is another major cause of accidents, particularly on weekends and holidays. When people drive after consuming alcohol, their response time and ability to focus on the road can be hugely reduced, increasing the risk of an accident. All 50 states have a. For many motorists, even a small amount of alcohol can be enough to produce a significant increase in accident risk.
Drunk driving accidents are easily preventable, making it important to avoid alcohol if you need to drive or go out with a designated driver if you plan on consuming alcohol. Speeding, changing lanes without looking, tailgating other motorists and ignoring road signs are all classic signs of reckless driving. Believe it or not, rain is one of the leading causes of road accidents in North America. When the road becomes overly wet, cars can lose their grip on the road and slide across the road surface, reducing control for motorists and increasing the risk of an accident occurring.
Sometimes, an inexperienced driver can panic in rainy weather, resulting in the loss of control of the vehicle. Getting into a road accident can be a terrifying experience. While most people know the best ways to avoid an accident, not everyone knows what to do immediately after one. It can also be difficult to know what steps you need to take to pay for repairs to your car or truck so you can put the accident behind you.
Here are a few frequently asked questions about vehicle accidents and what you can do to address them. This applies to other vehicles as well including commercial trucks. First and foremost, stay on the scene of the accident, even if the accident is minor. If you leave without exchanging information with the other party, or without speaking to the authorities, you could get in trouble.
Leaving the scene of an accident is considered a crime. If the accident is minor, move your vehicle off the road and stop it somewhere safe.
Put your vehicle in park and turn it off. If necessary, use safety tools like cones or flares to alert other drivers of the accident. Check yourself for injuries. Be sure to gather the following:.
If either you or the other party is injured, even in the slightest, call the authorities immediately and get to the hospital for a medical evaluation. Urban vs. Rural Roads Nationwide, fatal crashes occur slightly more often in urban areas, but the data varies by state.
Intersections Many of the car accidents that do occur in urban areas happen at intersections or on roads with speed limits of 40 mph or less.
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