User Info: UndinEntite UndinEntite 9 years ago 3 Glass armor items will start appearing in merchants' stock from level User Info: cpg2 cpg2 9 years ago 4 They'll appear at any blacksmith once you're a high enough level. User Info: egervari3 egervari3 Topic Creator 9 years ago 5 I managed to get them. Dismissed followers and armor.
Thoughts on skyrim anniversary edition? Happy 10th Birthday, Skyrim! Showing our 70 year old dad skyrim. Side Quest. Is there a mod where you can leave Helgen with both Hadvar and Ralof? Main Quest. Console Command to Remove Vampirism? Tech Support. Need help finding key for Mzulft Aedrome door? How do I solve Mzulft? Theres a bit of randomness to when leveled things appear i found a Glass Bow in the Drunken Huntsman really early on my last playthough on the PS3 below level twenty , take the levels written on wiki pages as a average of when the item starts to turn up in shops and loot regularly.
Chests contain random loot and boss chests can have much better loot than you'd usually get for your level, and like i said above luck and randomness can get you a good item early from anywhere. Wow this thread got resurrected insanely. Azura is right; it is random. If you want set locations, look at this Glass Armor. It has some locations on it. Jump to: navigation , search. Skyrim Materials and Styles.
The mine is immediately northeast of Kynesgrove ; see Steamscorch Mine for details. One of the ores and all ingots are owned. Throat of the World. Very top of the mountain map. In Saarthal Excavation. Wreck Of The Brinehammer. In The Brinehammer Below Deck. Dimhollow Crypt DG. Ruunvald Excavation DG. Glass Armor 00 Glass Boots 00 Glass Gauntlets 00 a. Glass Helmet 00 b.