Can you replace ddr2 with ddr3

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Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. Improve this answer. Seth Seth 8, 1 1 gold badge 15 15 silver badges 33 33 bronze badges. John John 1, 3 3 gold badges 21 21 silver badges 50 50 bronze badges. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. Dalsan M Another thing to note is that the pin placement is different between each iteration of DDR memory. If the computer was a desktop, I would say unless you wish to upgrade the motherboard, stick with DDR2.

The cost and effort it takes to just upgrade the motherboard so you can use DDR3 along with your existing processor and hard drive is not worth it, mostly since the performance gain may not be that big of a difference to really notice.

Since this is a laptop, you would not be able to upgrade the motherboard, so you would be stuck with DDR2. Oron J You cannot change DDR2 modules for DDR3, they are different technologies and the modules are not compatible with each other. According to Crucial you can upgrade your laptop either to 4GB or to 8GB, depending on the exact model. I suggest you head over to Crucial's site crucial.

Hovsep A According to the manual. The chips used are completely different. So just stop there. This attempt would be a bad idea as you would totally ruin your ram. I just figured I would explain the physical parameters to someone that didn't understand ;- Didn't mean to make it sound like I was directing it toward you :biggrin:. You can NOT interchange these modules with eachother There is no way around this unless you purchase one of the few hybrid boards out there. I'm pretty sure it was a joke fella's, no need to hate.

If it wasn't, then I have to say that was pretty damn retarded. Best you not start attacking other members when I've tried not to offend you, son. I don't know if it's a fight you're starting or a fight you're trying to start, but if I were you I'd keep my mouth shut, tofu boy. Nope, you're excatly mistaken, is that what they teach you at ITT Tech? Don't listen to these jokers, some people just don't know what they're talking about.

I'm pretty sure that the keys are placed differently too. However, I might be slightly mistaken about that. Comparing 2 different ram technologies and PCIe 1. You might as well tell me that a person is able to swap an intel socket for a and make that work, that's just how silly that is.

Yeah, that's what I thought. As far as basic PCB layout, they are exactly identical, except with a key moved slightly up I believe it's about the position of DDR 1 However, as far as layout goes, that's were the party stops. If the key's weren't located differently, it might of been a possibility that it could of worked with Nehalem.

Since the memory controller is located in the northbridge, it's designed so that it will only work with what it was made for So if it was made for DDR2, it would only read DDR2. With Nehalem having an integrated memory controller, I guess there might of been a possibility of getting it to work if they were keyed the same. Even then, I highly doubt that. Oh, and by the way, PCIe 1. I am ending this discussion right now. I am amazed that this discussion was even on going after we finished posting earlier lol.

That is different. I will not getting into a belittling flaming war like you seem to be trying to start. This is a professional forum, lets keep it that way and not treat people like a kid nor call them one. Ok thanks.


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