He is facing the fact that he is feeling no sense in his existence. With the attitude he would be overcome and see is the fear he had at the end. Absurdity reflects his life as the stories goes on and wonders off.
To see what has he been doing that been estrange. At the end of the book what Meursalt had success at the conclusion of the book is that he realize that he has founded a deeper view of his reality when he was sent into jail and was all alone put upon he saw a small window and nothing he had heard but himself he has begin to realize that the fact his life has finally been figure out.
What he really overcome was the fact that he has found what he has looking for at the end when he realize that his life is beginning to solve out meaning that his life is putting into pieces that he really understand now when he was at the jail. He think of it as a liberated government that he could do whatever he want and not been any trouble with some sort of the law but ended up he did.
As the fact when he was in jail as I told you in the middle he soon to apprehend the truth that his reality as he knows it is going to be an end but without a doubt he knows that he has found he pieces of life and solve it into a one big whole. His unconnected short stories later have become a whole to understand. In my opinion this means you detach yourself from your life. Relationships, feelings of others and how your life plays out means nothing to you. Being considered absurd is something that makes people consider you an outcast.
Society likes you to conform to what they as a whole believe is good. To many it is odd that such a person can exist but there are existentialists everywhere in this world. Meursault is the main character in the book The Stranger. He embodies the essence of the absurd and goes on without much care about anything going on in his life.
Some examples from the book include when his mom dies, his attitude towards his girlfriend and the nonchalant attitude he has towards the murders he committed. During the funeral not one tear was shed and the only emotion that came from him was from being physically uncomfortable. This was Meursault detaching himself from his feelings and he got criticized by society because of it. The second example of Meursaults dethatching himself has to do with his girlfriend.
This shows him not caring for anyone but himself. Near the end of the book Meursault kills a man that has beef with one of his friends. When he was put in jail he forced himself to find a way to live there, to go through the motions of life, not thinking about the good or bad things. Going through the motions of life and not caring is exactly how Meursault lived.
This is how an existentialist would live as well. Detaching themselves from how they feel gets them through everything including the dislike that the society has for them. Although Meursault is a fictional character existentialism is a real thing. Do you know an existentialist, if so how absurd are they?
Before we understand the story, we must first analyze the actual absurdity that Camus tried to show to the readers. One might say the absurd is what the common existentialist would think about. The whole idea of absurdity is wrapped the around the fact that no matter what, it is certain that we will die.
Therefore, it is unnecessary to worry about the various consequences and accepted rules that society has set up for us. One of the main concepts that come with absurdity is detachment. During the novel, Meursault seems to be emotionally detached from anyone but himself. Specifically, he is extremely detached from his mother because he lacks the true emotion and devastating reaction that the death of a mother would normally evoke.
You could even say that this detachment causes him to be somewhat socially awkward according to accepted social standards. For example, when he was on the beach with the Arab, he decided to shoot him because of the piercing glare that was in his eyes. Then surprisingly, he fires four more bullets into his already dead body. This occurrence showed that he was unafraid of any of the consequences that society has manipulated the masses to fear. You can also see his detachment inside of the many relationships that he gains throughout the novel.
Take his girlfriend Marie for example. When he asked to marry, he simply answers that he does not mind and will be willing to do it if she so pleases. The average man would either be extremely excited or terrified at such a bold question.
One of the most profound experiences that Meursault goes through is his talks with the magistrate. When the magistrate mentions and preaches the words of God to him, he becomes quickly perplexed by the fact that Meursault does not believe in a religion.
The magistrate trying to push his religion on him correlates the relationship of society trying to push social norms onto the people who reside in it. His rejecting of such a widely accepted idea is also the rejection of the known world. He ends his life accepting his fate and almost happily as he laughs at the rest of the world for adding so much meaning to a world that is so absurd. Deshanae S By Reading the end of the stranger I believe that meaursalt did not triumph on the end.
He was mentally detached from society not physically. The system is setup to that the criminal learns from the lesson but he doesnt, so the system does shackle and is proven to be ineffective. Meursault triumphed in a way because he stood his ground and proved to the court that no matter what they said to him, he still felt the same way about life. Living a life where he was just going through the motions was okay for him. He lived by his own rules and the laws of the country meant nothing to him.
Despite the case he still lived by his own rules in jail so he was triumphed mentally He was happier to feel annoyed by the magistrate then to give in to what a normal person would feel, remorseful. He wished for a large crowd of hating spectators at his execution, because he was gratified with the fact that he caused a lot of drama and craziness with his senseless actions.
Meursault made his own decisions and had to deal with them in the end. Just because society says you have to care, you have the option not too. His goal was not to conform to the rules of regulation of society. Even though he was put in prison physically, mentally he is free and not in bondage. Instead of rejecting death, he accepts it. Finding it so much life myself - so like a brother, really - I felt that I had been happy and that I was happy again. Rigoberto Navarro The stranger has many parts that show the act of people questioning and absurd acts the way of life and just playing games with life.
Meursault gets put in prison for murdering a Arab just because. At first Meursault didn't really care that he got put in prison but he started realizing what he misses and he wanted to be with Marie. Meursault is in his cell and He find a newspaper about a cezch man that was murdered by his wife and daughter because they didn't know who he was at first and they beat him to death with a hammer. This part of the book relates a lot to meursaults life.
Meursaults trial relates to the murder of the czech man because Meursault and his friends were playing games with a gun and were like fooling around with it like pretending to shoot things. And at the end of the day their games turned into a serious murder of an Arab man and landed him in prison away from Marie. The reason the man got killed by his wife and daughter is because the wife of the czech man owns a hotel and it has been years that he has seen them, he walked into their hotel playing games also by flashing all his money and acting like someone he wasn't, then later that day they killed him.
At the end Meursault ended up being murdered by the system. This expands the meaning of the stranger and the meaning of absurd because when they were playing those games with the gun and the money they weren't thinking about anything they just were careless not thinking about the consequences and that's what being absurd is all about not thinking and just doing things recklessly without thinking what's going to really happend at the end.
In the novel The Stranger by Albert Camus he highlights the topics of existentialism using the concepts of absurdism, detachment, alienation, acceptance, and society. The novel's main character Meursault is the representation of existentialism and the events, relationships, and attiudes towards his life and society highlight this. The definition of absurd using the beliefs of Meursault is anything that strays from the accepted norms of society.
Meursault life is viewed as "absurd" by the authorities because he doesn't believe in God. This is my the Magistrate refers to him as the "Antichrist". The only way the magistrate will find his life meaningful was if Meursault suddenly became repentant and believed in Christianity.
Detachment from society is the road to not being understood and accepted. Meursault's detachment from emotions cause people around him to view him as soul less. At the end of The Stranger , Meursault is able to die happy because he like Ivan Ilyich is able to come to terms with himself as a constituent part of existence, and so live authentically.
Meursault has noted that it is only by some amazing and benevolent quirk of fate that he has come into conscious existence, and in view of this awareness Meursault can not help but be happy.
And in the experience of existing, he now acknowledges at the close of The Stranger a happy brotherhood with all existence—which is much like the authenticity achieved by Ilyich just before his passing. It is this state of mind an authentic relationship with existence that allows Ilyich to destroy his fear of death and selflessly, ecstatically remove himself from the presence of his family. But, while it is this state of mind which makes Meursault happy as his execution nears, one gets the sense that the understanding of indifference is not fully realized in the final line of The Stranger , wherein he is fixated on the antagonism of his peers.
This fixation recalls the scorning of absurdity Camus advocates in The Myth of Sisyphus. How does Meursault respond when Marie asks if he loves her? Who is Masson, and why does Meursault go to his beach house? How does Raymond get hurt? Why does Meursault return to the beach and to the rock by the water? What does Meursault do when he encounters the Arab at the rock? What about Meursault upsets and frustrates his lawyer and the magistrate?
What does the magistrate use to try to break through to Meursault's feelings of remorse or sadness? Why is Marie only allowed to visit Meursault one time?
Does Meursault seem to care whether or not she comes back to visit? How does Meursault pass his time in prison? At Meursault's trial, why is so much made of his conduct at his mother's funeral? What does Celeste say concerning the murder? What is Marie's testimony and how does it hurt Meursault's case? What defense did Meursault's lawyer present? What was the jury's verdict? What does Meursault tell the chaplain? Salamano would beat his dog simply because it is old, just as Raymond would beat his girlfriend simply because she is a woman.
Both men harbor violent tendencies toward weaker creatures, most likely because they are addicted to the culture of death, guilt, and suffering. How does Salamano react? The dog is missing and Salamano is sad and wants it to come back. Begin typing your search term above and press enter to search. Press ESC to cancel. Skip to content Home Philosophy What is the point of the stranger?
Ben Davis January 7, What is the point of the stranger?